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Populism in a Turbulent World

7,5 credits

How to understand and how to define populism are debated themes within political science. The objective of the course, given by Halmstad University College, is for students to acquire conceptual, theoretical, and empirical knowledge of the meanings, causes, and effects of populism as well as its historical and current character in various contexts.

The students will also develop the ability to assess different academic perspectives on the topic and to independently and critically analyze populist rhetoric, as well as the social, economic and political conditions that promotes the growth of populism. Lastly, the students will develop the ability to analyze the complex relationship between populism and democracy.

Autumn 2024 (Campus based, Halmstad, 50%)


Basic level

Application code:


Entry requirements:

General entry requirements (with the exemption of the requirement in Swedish) + English 6, Civics 1b or 1a1+1a2.

Selection rules:

Available for exchange students. Limited numbers of seats.

Start week:

week: 36

Instructional time:


Language of instruction:

Teaching is in English.

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