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Research Design and Methods

7,5 credits

The objective of the course is that the student develops the ability to identify the need of, design and implement empirical investigations for academic or practical purposes. The course focus is on the implementation of the research process and how high quality results are ensured. For the central areas research and analysis methods are introduced, applied and compared.

Autumn 2024 (Campus based, Halmstad, 50%)


Advanced level

Application code:


Entry requirements:

Degree of Bachelor of Science or Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering. The degree must be equivalent to a Swedish teknologie kandidatexamen or Swedish högskoleingenjörsexamen and must have been awarded from an internationally recognised university. 15 credits industrial management. English 6. Exemption of the requirement in Swedish is granted.

Selection rules:

Available for exchange students. Limited numbers of seats.

Start week:

week: 45

Instructional time:


Language of instruction:

Teaching is in English.

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