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Opening hours

Below are the opening hours of the premises in Halmstad and Varberg.

Campus access during the summer

  • All entrance doors (except for the entrances to the glass aisle) are locked from 3 June until 9 August.
  • The entrance to the glass aisle in building A and B is open from 8.00 to 15.00 on weekdays 24 June–2 August.
  • Authorised students have access to the premises between 6.00 and 24.00 all days of the week. Access card and code are required between 16.30 and 24.00, 6.00–7.30 and on weekends.
A group of young people are standing outside the University entrance. Two of them are standing on electric scooters. Photo.

The main entrance to Halmstad University's premises.



