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Group work

In one way or another, group work is included in most courses and study programmes. By working in groups you learn to collaborate and to see things from a number of perspectives. Here we have compiled a list of tips for successful group work.

4 tips for successful group work

1. Write a group contract

One tool that you may find useful is a group contract. If a group contract is offered as part of the course you are reading, use that; otherwise, you can use the template available from the Language Guidance. Set aside time in your first group meeting to discuss and fill out the contract. As a group, you should also regularly reflect on and review the content of the group contract and revise and update it as and when necessary.

Group contract Pdf, 178 kB, opens in new window.

2. Timetable your group work

If the teacher timetables group work it is a good idea to as far as possible keep to that timetable.

If, on the other hand, there is no timetabled group work, we recommend that you still timetable your group work among yourselves. This will create a framework for your work and make it easier for each member of the group to allocate their time.

Four people sit around a table full of books and talk to each other. Three of them are looking at the fourth person who is in the lower left corner. Behind them is a whiteboard with text. Photo.



