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How you can use AI tools in your studies

The development of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, is already having a major impact on working life and society. The tools can also be useful and helpful for you as a student, but it is important that you use them in a permitted and safe way in your studies.

A young woman and man are sitting next to each other on a couch. In front of them are laptops on small round tables. Photo.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI is a technology in artificial intelligence where advanced models can generate authentic texts, images or other types of creative content based on entered information and patterns. Generative AI has as its primary purpose to generate and answer text-based questions in real time based on the understanding of user input. While a search engine searches through existing information on the web and returns relevant links or answers based on keywords and algorithms, here, instead, it independently generates new answers based on pre-programmed knowledge space and learning from previous examples.

Source: ChatGPT's own description of what generative AI is and how it differs from a search engine.



