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Residence permit

All students from non-EU/EEA countries have to apply for a residence permit/visa to be able to study at Halmstad University. On this page you can find more information about the requirements and application process.

Requirements to be granted a residence permit

  • Granted admission to full-time studies (30 credits per semester) in a programme or courses that require your presence in higher education
  • A valid passport
  • Ability to support yourself for the planned study period
  • Comprehensive health insurance that covers the whole period you are in Sweden if you plan to study for less than one year

If you are admitted to a course/programme of one year or less, the admission letter (notification of selection results) confirms that you are covered by a health insurance from Halmstad University. If you apply through the Migration Agency web application, you can attach your admission letter as proof of health insurance.

How to apply for a residence permit for studies External link, opens in new window.

Study duration

Autumn semester 2024: September 2, 2024 – January 19, 2025

Spring semester 2025: January 20, 2025 – June 8, 2025

One year programme duration (60 credits): September 2, 2024 – June 8, 2025

Two year programme duration (120 credits): September 2, 2024 – June 7, 2026

Four young students sitting outside studying. Photo.

Estimated minimal living costs per month



3 000


3 500 – 4 000


1 000

Miscellaneous (hobby, clothes, leisure)

1 000–2 500


8 500–10 500


Statement of costs – Nordic Welfare Pdf, 89.5 kB.

Statement of costs – Other programmes Pdf, 89.6 kB.



