International Day
International Day is an annual event at Halmstad University that gives students the possibility to share their cultures, such as traditions and food specialities. The event is arranged by the University and Halmstad Student Union.
Welcome to International Day! Join us to celebrate culture by meeting students who present their cultural heritage during the day. There will be dance performances, singing and lots of desserts and treats.
When? TBA
Where? TBA
Who? Everyone is welcome!
Previous International Day
On November 8 2022, between 10 am and 2 pm, students occupied the entrance to the S building to share their cultures with fellow students, teachers and others who were looking to get a glimpse of the many cultures represented at Halmstad University. Students from all over the world were present to chat and meet with. Read the article and watch the video to get a feel for International Day at Halmstad University.