Participate in a survey about gender-based violence
Halmstad University is one of more than 45 European higher education institutes to participate in a large study about gender-based violence in the higher education sector. Between April 5 and 30, you can participate in a survey connected to the study.
"By participating you contribute to collecting knowledge and measurable proof of the cemented and unreported question about violence in education and research."
Suzanne Almgren Mason, the University’s coordinator for equal opportunities
About a year ago, a national study about experiences of sexual harassment in the higher education sector was carried out. 125 000 randomly chosen students and staff members at Swedish universities were asked to participate in a survey.
During 2022, 45 higher education institutes in 15 different European countries (3 from Sweden) are participating in an international research study that aims to increase the knowledge about the existence of gender-based violence within higher education and research organisations.
Gender-based violence is violence directed at a person because of their gender. It is not limited to violence against women, it can affect all people.
Help end gender-based violence
The researchers behind the Unisafe project encourage all students, doctoral students and staff at the participating universities to take part in the study whether they have experienced gender-based violence or not. Your participation in the survey will be anonymous. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
“By participating you contribute to collecting knowledge and measurable proof of the cemented and unreported question about violence in education and research. The purpose is for the results to become operational tools for organisations and decision makers in order to fix the problem and make the gender-based violence within higher education come to an end”, says Suzanne Almgren Mason, the University’s coordinator for equal opportunities and contact person for the Unisafe project.
The survey is combined with a qualitative study where people who volunteer are interviewed about experiences on gender-based vulnerability and violence.
“If you are interested in participating in the qualitative study and coming for an interview, leave your name and email address on Unisafe’s webpage and you will be contacted”, says Suzanne Almgren Mason.
On April 5, a link to the survey will be sent to the email address you were given by the University.
A link to the survey is sent on April 5 to the email address you were given by the University (for example The sender is Websurvey,
The results from the Swedish study from last year will be presented later this spring. The results from the Unisafe study are planned to be presented in the autumn of 2022.
Answering questions on sexual harassment and violence may trigger difficult memories or experiences. The respondent may be in a situation of ongoing exposure when they respond to the questionnaire. Should a respondent feel uncomfortable answering the questionnaire, information on the University support for students, doctoral students and employees is included in the survey’s covering letter.
About Unisafe
Unisafe is an EU-funded research project that aims to eradicate gender-based violence from the research sector. Over 45 universities and research organisations in 15 European countries are participating in the survey – the largest of its kind in Europe in the higher education sector. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.