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Student Healthcare Centre

The Student Healthcare Centre is available for all students at Halmstad University. We are LGBTQI-licensed and here for you during your full study period. Contact us with any questions regarding your health. We can also guide you to the right healthcare option for you.

Opening hours during the summer

The Student Healthcare Centre is closed between 8 July–15 August. For questions regarding health advice please contact 1177 or the health centre where you are listed.

Reason for booking an appointment * (mandatory)
Reason for booking an appointment

Cancel an appointment

If you need to cancel your appointment, please send us an email via

Five people are standing in a row with their arms around each others shoulders in a bright environment indoors. They all have black shirts and are looking at the camera smiling. Photo.

At the Student Healthcare Centre you will meet Amanda Johansson, health counsellor, Elisabeth Ylander, licensed nurse, Morgan Ljungkvist, health counsellor, Matilda Sturesson, licensed psychiatric nurse and Malin Prestberg, health counsellor.

Other healthcare

The Student Healthcare Centre focuses on things that relate to your studies and is a complement to other healthcare.

If you have, or get, medicinal or physical problems you should turn to the genereal healthcare providers. Are you unsure of where to turn, the Student Healthcare Centre can help guide you.

Good-to-know information

  • In an emergency, call 112.
  • If you need a doctor, nurse, physiotherapist or other support you turn to the general healthcare providers or call 1177 National healthcare services via +46 771-11 77 00
  • You can find information in English about how to seek heathcare on 1177 – seek heathcare External link.

Get in contact

Contact the Student Healthcare Centre if you have questions or thoughts about your health, or need guidance on how to seek healthcare.



