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Principle of public access to official documents

As an authority, the University is subject to the principle of public access to official documents, which means that the public and mass media have the right to transparency with regard to the University’s activities.

Official documents

Part of the principle; document transparency, essentially means that everyone – Swedish citizens and people of other nationalities alike – have the right to read the documents kept by the authorities. The main rule is thus that official documents are accessible to the public. In order for a document to be declared confidential, there must be support for this in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act. It is primarily certain decisions concerning individuals which can be subject to confidentiality.

Documents regarded as being in the domain of the general public with open access

  • information in the study documentation system Ladok
  • the results of examinations
  • written tests / examinations or approved grades
  • previous examination questions
  • reports, essays etc or approved grades

Access to official documents can be requested

Anyone can request to see official documents for a fee in accordance with the Fees Ordinance. This also applies to written exam results. Exam results can be disclosed once the grade has been established and registered in Ladok. If a student requests a review of their grade, the exam result will be kept for two years. The University has its own document concerning the handling of official documents and registration.



