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Alumnus/Alumna of the Year nomination

Here everyone with a connection to Halmstad University – students, employees, alumni, and friends of the University – may submit a nomination for the Alumnus/Alumna of the Year award. The last day to submit nominations was 14 April, 2024.

Nomination criteria

The nomination must contain the name of the nominee as well as a reason for the nomination based on one or several of the following criteria:

  • The nominee is an alumnus/alumna who has excelled in their career, made a valuable contribution after their studies or something else noteworthy (a valuable contribution could for example be: high-quality research and education, an important cultural achievement, an active role in society, the alumnus/alumna has stimulated development and innovation or in other ways contributed to a better world),
  • is a good ambassador for Halmstad University and continues to strengthen the University's brand,
  • is a good role model for students of today and tomorrow.

The nomination period is closed

Last day to submit nominations for Alumnus/Alumna of the Year 2024 was 14 April.

You can no longer submit a nomination. The nomination closed on April 14 at 23:59.

The nomination process

  1. Name and reason for the nomination are sent in via a form. The possibility to nominate candidates opens in mid November, when 200 days remain until the graduation ceremony, and closes in mid April.
  2. The information is then administrated by the project group for the Graduation ceremony, which after the nomination period compiles all nominations and sends these to the decision making commitee.
  3. Based on the nominations received, the decision making comittee will suggest a candidate for the Alumnus/Alumna of the Year award, then a decision is made by the Vice-Chancellor.

The decision making comittee consists of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor with specific responsibility for collaboration, internationalisation and innovation (chairman), a representative from the Student Union and the Collaborative Coordinator from each School.

A nomination is valid for the coming three years. A nominated candidate can therefore get the award another year than the year she or he was nominated.



