Introduction for new students
On this page you can find information about how to get started with your studies and the services offered to you as a new student.
- Getting settled in Sweden
- Find your way around campus
- The student web
- Digital tools
- Course content
- Course literature
- The University Library
- How to study the Swedish way
- Study support
- Examinations
- Academic rules and Plagiarism
- The Student Union
- Student Associations
- Discover your new student city
- Work/study environment
- Support from Service Center
- Helpdesk
Getting settled in Sweden
In order to get settled in Halmstad and Sweden, there are a few practical things that you might want to look into, such as getting a bank account and applying for a personal ID number.
Find your way around campus
Use our interactive campus map to find your way around campus and get directions to your preferred destinations, such as lecture halls, group rooms, restrooms and student kitchens. The campus map is available through the digital tool Mazemap which is available as a mobile application or via a web browser.
Access card
In order to get access to the campus facilitites, to borrow books from the library and to use the printers on campus you need an access card. Please note that the University access card is not valid as a student ID card.
The student web
At the student web you can find most of the things you need to know and have access to as a student. For quick access to the student web, type in your browser.
You can find shortcuts to useful web pages such as digital tools, student news, the student calendar and the University Library. Use the function ”Content A–Z” to search for specific subjects or categories you are interested in knowing more about.
"My page" is your personalised page
”My page” is an overview page containing important information such as your schedule, course syllabi, practice exams as well as the student calendar and student news. You login with your student account details to get access to the page and we recommend that you start your day by looking here to get an overview of your studies.
You are automatically logged in to "My page" if you have already logged in to one of the University's other digital tools and vice versa.
The student calendar
In the student calendar you can find all kinds of activities organised for students at Halmstad University. It might be social events, study-related workshops or activities organised by our student associations. Make sure to check the calendar regularly as new events are added continously.
Digital tools
Blackboard Learn (learning platform)
Blackboard is the place where your courses and study resources are collected. Your teachers will post course material, instructions and exams here. You will also have access to a course called "Reminders for new students", which is a non-academic course with the aim to guide you to relevant information on the studentweb during your first weeks.
Please note that information related to your course in Blackboard will be available at the earliest one week before the start of the course.
If you have any questions along the way, please contact your teacher for course-related questions, and Helpdesk if you have technical problems.
You can easily access Blackboard through your web browser. In addition, Blackboard is available as an app (Blackboard Learn) that you can download where apps are available. Keep in mind that some features may be missing from the app and that some course materials may require access to a computer or laptop.
Your schedule is visible four weeks prior to the course starts.
You can find your schedule on "My page" here at the student web after you have registered as a student. Login with your student account login details.
If you want to have a look at the schedule for a specific course before your have registered, you can search for the schedule via below link.
Search schedule External link.
Ladok for students
If you have registered for your courses, you have already visited Ladok for students. This is where you register for your courses, see you study results and register for exams for example. When you graduate, this is where you apply for your degree certificate. This is also where you fill out your contact details, so that the University can reach you. It is important that your details are updated with your latest information, so that you do not miss out on information about your studies. It is very important that you fill out an email address that you are checking regularly.
Wifi (eduroam)
We recommend that you use eduroam when you connect to the Internet on campus. You find eduroam on most of campus.
Student email and access to office 365
All students at Halmstad University get access to an Office 365 account, where various tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook are available. You can always access your office 365 account via the shortcut on the student web header called student email.
Free access to software
As a student you can get access to certain software that might be used during your education. You can download and install the software on your own computer.
Course content
Programme syllabus – the content of your programme
Every programme has a programme syllabus that describes the learning outcomes. In each programme there are requirements for progression. This means that you have to obtain a certain amount of credits or have completed a certain course during your first year of studies in order to proceed to the next semester of the education.
Course syllabus – the content of specific courses
Every course has its own syllabus containing information of what you should learn during the studies and what types of examinations are included. On "My page" you can find the course syllabi for the courses you are registrered for at the moment.
If you want to find a course syllabi for your upcoming courses before you are registered, you can serach for it on the student web. Remember to choose the correct start semester in the search field.
Course literature
The course literature used during each course is stated in the course syllabus. If you do not want to buy the books needed, the University Library always has one copy of each course literature book available to read during daytime.
The University Library
At the University Library you can find course literature and scientific articles and get support ih reference citing. You can also find study places, group rooms, computers, printers and scanners in the facilitites.
Your access card is automatically valid as your library card, so make sure to bring it when you want to make a loan.
How to study the Swedish way
Studying in Sweden might be different compared to where you have been studying before. Remember that you are in charge of your own studies to a large extent. As a full-time student, we expect you to spend 40 hours per week studying. Not all of this time will be spent in class with a teacher, you also need to prepare for a lot of self-studies.In order to be successful during your time with us, it is important to develop a good study technique and to understand the rules and regulations that applies. We have collected some useful tips and information via below link.
Study support
Our goal is to make your student experience as good as possible and for you to complete your studies. That is why we always have someone you can turn to if you need help during your studies. Our support functions are there to guide you with everything from questions concerning your health and well-being to study techniques, future career choices and finding the right course literature. You can read more about each support function on the collection page for study support.
During your education you will have various types of examinations, for example written exams, home exams, seminars, labs etc. Some of these examinations might require registration. Make sure to check your schedule, where this information will be available. The two weeks before each exam might be quite empty in your schedule, as you are expected to spend most of your time studying for the exam. Make sure to plan your time accordingly.
On the exam page you can find more information about everyting related to examinations, for example exam regulations, exam registration periods, re-exams, grades and results.
Academic rules and Plagiarism
University studies require you as a student to take personal responsibility for your studies in order to succeed. As a student you are liable to follow laws and regulations, as well as the specific local rules which apply at Halmstad University. You must for example follow our rules of examination and rules concerning referencing. Ask for help if you find the studies too difficult or do not understand the instructions given to you by your teacher.
The Student Union
The Student Union's main task is to monitor your interests in everything that concerns education and student issues. In short, Halmstad Student Union keeps track of the educations and ensure that they are of high quality and that you as a student gain influence over your education. The Student Union also offers a social community during your spare time. As a member you get access to a variety of benefits, as student discounts, parties and events.
The Student Union External link.
Ombud for students and PhD students
Via the Student Union, you can get in touch with the Student and Doctoral respresentative, who works with legal student issues at the University and supports all students. You can turn to the representative with a wide range of questions concerning your rights as a student such as unfair treatment or rules and regulations regarding exams and course plans.
Ombud for students and PhD students
Student Associations
There is wide range of student associations for you to engage in during your study time. Perhaps you want to sing in a choir, play floorball or develop new innovations? If you cannot find a group within your field of interest, you can start a new one!
Student Associations External link.
Discover your new student city
Find out more about your new hometown on Destination Halmstad's student page, where they have gathered tips on activities, food and drinks, shopping and nature experiences.
Work/study environment
Students and staff have a joint responsibility to ensure that we have a healthy work environment at the University. You are expected to show respect for everyone at the University and, through your actions, contribute to maintaining an inclusive, fair, and equal study environment that is free from bullying and all forms of harassment.
The University's student policy "We make each other better" contain rules and expectations that you as a student need to be familiar with and follow.
Support from Service Center
If you need support with anything related to your studies, you can always turn to Service Center. You can visit them in the glass aisle by the main entrance or contact them via phone or email.
You can get support via Helpdesk, the University's digital support service. Via Helpdesk self-service system, you can easily report inquiries to get support with various things within the University. It can be anything from a fault report about the premises on campus to a wish for IT support.