
Student policy

The student policy is the foundation for how we create a positive and safe student experience for all students and has been developed in collaboration between the University and our students. On this page you can read more about the policy and what is expected of you.

We make each other better

The student policy is called 'We make each other better' and focus on the responsibility of students and staff to create conditions for both good study results and a positive, safe and stimulating student experience, with pleasant and respectful conduct.

Halmstad University does not tolerate any kind of discrimination, harassment or bullying. In below policy you can read more about how you are expected to contribute to a good study- and work environment at Halmstad University.

You are expected to:

  • Lead by example and have a professional and respectful attitude towards your fellow students, teachers and other staff members at the University.
  • Show respect towards everyone at the University, and through your actions contribute to maintaining an inclusive study environment characterised by equality, free from bullying and all forms of harassment.
  • Promote, together with your fellow students and employees at the University, a safe and unprejudiced study environment.

You also contribute to a positive and stimulating study environment through the following approaches:

  • Take part of the knowledge, experiences, and reflections of others as well as sharing your own.
  • Encourage others to have the courage to talk, ask questions and share experiences, both in group work and during lectures.
  • Observe good efforts and initiatives and give feedback to your fellow students.
  • Cherish a study environment that encourages daring to try and learning by mistakes.

The above rules and conduct apply both to studying on campus as well as to digital studying and online collaborations.

The following rules taken from the Higher Education Ordinance are important for you as a student to be aware of and follow:

  • You may not use prohibited aids or other methods to attempt to deceive during examinations or other forms of assessment of study performance.
  • You may not disrupt or obstruct teaching, tests or other activities within the framework of courses and study programmes at the University.
  • You may not disrupt activities in the library or other separate establishments at the University.
  • You may not subject another student or member of staff of the University to harassment or sexual harassment of the kind laid down in Section 4 of Chapter 1 of the Discrimination Act (2008:567).

If a student violates the above, the incident will be investigated in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and disciplinary measures, such as suspension or warning, will be considered.

Discrimination Act, Section 4 of Chapter 1§ (2008:567)

You may not subject another student or university employee to conduct that violates their dignity and is related to any of the grounds of discrimination, i.e. sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.

You may not subject another student or university employee to sexual harassment, i.e. conduct of a sexual nature that violates a person’s dignity.

The glada personer sitter framför en dator. Endast personen i mitten är i skärpa och tittar in i kameran. Foto.



