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“The knowledge gained at the course is already at use during ongoing negotiations”

Snežana Pantelić is a senior advisor in the Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade in Serbia. Last fall, in 2023, she attended the Swedish Institute-course “Collaborative Governance in a Digital Era” at Halmstad University. Her work includes a lot of international negotiations, and the knowledge gained at the course came well at hand when she was back at the office.

Woman with glasses smiling. Photo.

”The entire experience with all my colleagues from the Western Balkans was inspirational” says Snežana Pantelić, who works as a senior advisor in the Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade in Serbia.

Why did you take the course Collaborative Governance in a Digital Era?

“The topic is very important in my line of work. I am involved in working for a greater involvement of the private sector, and local administrations, in different agreements. Small and medium enterprises represent a large driving force of GDP in Serbia. To involve them it is necessary to use technology and technological development when communicating, and for meeting management”, says Snežana Pantelić.

Can you use knowledge or experiences from the course already?

“In my work I collaborate extensively with my colleagues. Our Department is in charge of the negotiations for many international agreements. One of the challenges is to research the necessity of these agreements, and advantages and disadvantages for the economy of the country. The most significant challenge is to include every relevant opinion, and research what the companies in Serbia think about such agreements, what the benefits are. Many institutions are included in the pre-negotiation process as well such as ministries, agencies, local administration, and private sector. The knowledge gained at the course is already at use during the ongoing negotiations.”

And later on?

“In the future, I will be able to implement the collaborative governance process, with the aim of close collaboration towards a consensus-oriented solution.”

What do you take with you after finishing?

“The Swedish principle of open government is something that resonated with me profoundly. I will continue investigating and implementing everything that is possible to use in the public administration of Serbia.”

Would you recommend the course to others?

“I would very much recommend the course to anyone interested in exploring the Swedish way of thinking, operating and implementing. The entire experience with all my colleagues from the Western Balkans was inspirational. The professors were forthcoming and knowledgeable, and well-organised which was reflected in the course.”

Interview: Kristina Rörström
Photo: Dan Bergmark





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