Collaborate with our researchers
If you and your organisation are interested in research collaboration with Halmstad University, there are several options. It could be anything from exchanging experiences and ideas to combining research results and sharing financing.
The research at Halmstad University is internationally renowned and carried out in close collaboration with players outside the academy – such as industry, local and regional councils and organisations.
Commissioned research
Researchers at Halmstad University can carry out research projects commissioned by industry, local or regional councils or other organisations. It could for example be studies or development of products or methods. The commission is financed by the commissioner and the cost depends on the extent of the commission.
The advantages of the collaboration is mutual. The research results will benefit the business or the organisation, and the University gains knowledge in important development areas and access to real problems and ideas to work with.

Research at Halmstad University
Halmstad University conducts education and research in a broad field, but two focus areas are particularly strong:
These areas form a base for the University’s activities. The University also offers doctoral education in three strong research education areas: Information Technology, Innovation Sciences, and Health and Lifestyle.
Contact us
Fill out the form and briefly describe your need or idea so that the right person can get back to you.