Vision, goals and strategies
Read about Halmstad University’s vision, strategy and goals as well as our work with quality assurance, environment and sustainable development, as well as equal opportunities and diversity.
Vision and strategy
Halmstad University adds value, drives innovation
and prepares people and society for the future.
Adds value
Drives innovation
Develops society
What does the vision mean?
The vision expresses Halmstad University’s long-term goals – a beacon to strive for. This can mean different things to different people in different roles at the University but all employees contribute to the process of realising the vision. All employees, irrespective of whether they work with education, research, administration or service, should assess their work tasks in relation to the vision’s three key phrases: ”How do I help to add value, drive innovation and develop society through the work I do?”
The vision, goals and strategies were passed by the University Governing Board in April 2019, and is the University’s most comprehensive and long-term regulatory document for all activities.

Three goals show what Halmstad University is striving towards, how the University wants to profile itself and develop in the next ten years. To each of these goals, a number of strategies or activities are connected, to more concretely describe what the University will do long-term to achieve these goals.
Environment and sustainable development
When we develop new knowledge through research and spread knowledge through education, we are a force to be reckoned with in the development of society. The innovations that are developed at the University, often in collaboration with industry and public sector, create value for all of society. Ideally we should be one step ahead by predicting future societal changes, and develop education and research that meets the needs and demands of the future. Ultimately, that is how we contribute to creating a better world.
Halmstad University’s environmental work
Equal opportunities and diversity
Halmstad University works actively for equal opportunities and diversity. The work is founded on democratic values and respect for human rights.
Halmstad University’s equal opportunity work
Validation of prior learning
Since autumn 2017, Halmstad University is working on developing a national model for validation and assessment of prior learning. This is done in close collaboration with the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) and other Swedish universities.
Supplemental instruction (SI)
SI is a pedagogical method used in several courses at the University. It is a voluntary addition to other teaching and does not replace lectures or teacher-led practice sessions.