Information for external experts
We are grateful that you are interested in accepting the assignment of external expert. On this webpage you will find the information you need to carry out the assignment.
Before your assignment
The expert’s task is to provide Halmstad University with a decision-making basis. The expert will submit a written statement with outline and content according to instructions and templates. The statement must be dated and signed. A submitted expert assessment is a public document.
The University may ask the expert to participate in an interview (suggested remotely) or be available for a dialogue in connection to employment (or promotion) decisions.
Conflict of interest
Before you accept the assignment, we would like you to consider any conflict of interest. In the email you received about the commission, a list of those applying was attached so you can take a stand on the issue. If there is an conflict of interest, please notify your contact person in the HR department as soon as possible.
Anyone involved in a recruitment, or a promotion case needs to ask themselves if there is a conflict of interest.
The Act of Administrative (2017:900) regulates the issue of conflict of interest and is clear that the person who is in conflict may not take part in the handling of a case nor be present when the case is decided (§ 17). Anyone who is aware of any circumstance likely to constitute a conflict of interest shall notify Halmstad University as soon as possible and the university shall examine the matter as soon as possible. (§ 18).
At Halmstad University, such examination of conflict of interest is handled by the Research and Education Board.
According to the Act of Administrative (2017:900) Section 16, anyone who takes part in the proceedings on behalf of the University and may affect the authority's decision has a conflict of interest in the following cases:
- He or she or any related party is a party to the case or may otherwise be presumed to be affected by the decision to a not insignificant extent,
- He or she or someone else is or has been a deputy or representative of a party to the case or of anyone else who is likely to be affected by the decision to a not insignificant extent,
- He or she has participated in the final proceedings of an act of another authority and, as a result, has already taken a position on matters to be examined by the Authority as a superior body, or
- There is something else so special about the fact that his or her impartiality in the process can be called into question.
If it is clear that the question of impartiality is irrelevant, the Authority shall disregard the conflict of interest.
The risk of conflict shall always be taken into account when assembling recruitment groups.
In connection with the preparation of the Recruitment Committee, attention is paid to risks of conflict among experts.
Gender equality
Recruitment processes at Halmstad University are to be free of discrimination and promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender and other aspects not related to merit and skill. We are therefore aware of the risks of making unreasonable distinctions in the assessment of applicants. We expect of you as external expert to be attentive to your own biases and to carry out the assessments exclusively based on the merits and skills of the applicant.
Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
Halmstad University has received the HR Excellence in Research award for working actively for a stimulating work environment and good conditions for our researchers. This also includes working for open, transparent and merit-based recruitment processes.
More information about Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
External expert for recruitment of co-workers
Important information for the assignment of external expert assignment.
- Appointments Procedure at Halmstad University Pdf, 300.6 kB, opens in new window.
– see the section regarding Qualifications and assessment criteria bases of current employment - Guidelines for recruitment and promotion Pdf, 637.7 kB, opens in new window.
– see the specific section Assessment criteria for the recruitment of teaching staff - SUHF’s recommendations Pdf, 368.6 kB, opens in new window. on aims/objectives for qualifying courses in higher education and mutual academic recognition (only in Swedish)
- Advertisement with qualification requirements for the recruitment is in recruitment tool Varbi.
Application documents
At Halmstad University the recruitment tool Varbi is used for recruitments and promotions. You will have access to current employment documents and advertisements in Varbi when you have accepted the commission and been formally approved as an expert. Login details for Varbi will then be sent to you via the system.
You may choose to write in Swedish or English depending on which you are most comfortable with.
Description of an applicant’s skill
The assessment must highlight the applicant’s skill within the various assessment bases (defined in the Bylaws), noting both strengths and weaknesses. The assessment bases must be considered explicitly in the context of the specific qualities requested in the position advertisement. It is important that all assessment bases are addressed with the same degree of care by the subject expert. The assessment must also state specifically whether the applicant fulfills the criteria for Higher Education Pedagogy 15 Swedish credit points / ECTS credits in accordance with the specified guidelines.
Cases with multiple applicants
If the case concerns a position where there are multiple applicants, the assessment should identify a group of Top Candidates. The assessment will classify the applicants into three groups:
- top candidates
- qualified candidates but not in the top of group
- candidates who are not qualified.
The assessment should include a comparison of all candidates using the attached form ”Comparative assessment before interview”.
Template for comparative assessment Word, 33.4 kB, opens in new window.
For candidates who are considered to be in the top group, the subject expert will make an individual assessment (comprehensive 1–2 pages) for each candidate using the attached form ”Individual Assessment”. The assessment must make it clear that the top candidates qualify for the position.
Template for individual assessment Word, 34.4 kB, opens in new window.
Cases with only one applicant
If in the application documents there is no documentation on any points so that a final assessment becomes impossible, this should be clearly stated in the opinion specifying what is missing.
Incomplete application
If the application documents are incomplete and it can be easily remedied, the authority must draw the applicant’s attention to this or collect the information themselves. It is important that you, as external expert, notify the University should you make the assessment that the application documents are incomplete.
Upload the finished assessment in Varbi
You upload the finished assessment in Varbi and notify that it is done via email to the HR Department. If this turns out to be difficult, it is also possible to send the assessment directly to the HR Department
External expert for promotions
Important information for the assignment of external expert assignment for promotions.
- Appointments Procedure at Halmstad University Pdf, 300.6 kB, opens in new window.
– see the section regarding Qualifications and assessment criteria bases of current employment - Guidelines for recruitment and promotion Pdf, 637.7 kB, opens in new window.
– see the section regarding promotion - SUHF’s Recommendations Pdf, 368.6 kB, opens in new window. on aims/objectives for qualifying courses in higher education and mutual academic recognition (only in Swedish)
Application documents
At Halmstad University the recruitment tool Varbi is used for recruitments and promotions. You will have access to current employment documents and advertisements in Varbi when you have accepted the commission and been formally approved as an expert. Login details for Varbi will then be sent to you via the system.
You may choose to write in Swedish or English depending on which you are most comfortable with.
Description of an applicant’s skill
The assessment must highlight the applicant’s skill within the various assessment bases (defined in the Bylaws), noting both strengths and weaknesses. The assessment bases must be considered explicitly in the context of the specific qualities requested in the position advertisement. It is important that all assessment bases are addressed with the same degree of care by the subject expert. The assessment must also state specifically whether the applicant fulfils the criteria for Higher Education Pedagogy 15 Swedish credit points / ECTS credits in accordance with the specified guidelines.
Make an assessment (comprising 1–2 A4 pages) of the applicant according to the "Individual assessment" template. There must be a final overall assessment where you report your point of view on whether the applicant meets the requirements or not.
Incomplete application
If in the application documents there is no documentation on any points so that a final assessment becomes impossible, this should be clearly stated in the opinion specifying what is missing.
Upload the finished assessment in Varbi
You upload the finished assessment in Varbi and notify that it is done via email to the HR Department. If this turns out to be difficult, it is also possible to send the assessment directly to the HR Department
External expert for admission as docent
Important information for the assignment as external expert on applications and appointments to docent.
Application documents
You will receive access to current application documents via e-mail once you have accepted the expert assignment and have been formally approved as an expert.
You may choose to write in Swedish or English depending on which you are most comfortable with.
Description of an applicant’s skill
The assessment must highlight the applicant's skill within the various assessment bases (defined in the Bylaws), noting both strengths and weaknesses. The assessment bases must be considered explicitly in the context of the specific qualities requested in the position advertisement. It is important that all assessment bases are addressed with the same degree of care by the subject expert.
The assessment must also state specifically whether the applicant fulfils the criteria for Higher Education Pedagogy 15 Swedish credit points / ECTS credit in accordance with the specified guidelines.
Make an assessment (comprising 1–2 A4 pages) of the applicant according to the "Individual assessment" template. There must be a final overall assessment where you report your point of view on whether the applicant meets the requirements or not.
Template individual assessment Word, 34.4 kB, opens in new window.
Incomplete application
If in the application documents there is no documentation on any points so that a final assessment becomes impossible, this should be clearly stated in the opinion specifying what is missing.
Submit the finished assessment
Send your completed statement to the HR Department.
On this page you find information om what you need to do to receive compensation and how to register a bank account.
Compensation for the commission is based on the University´s fee levels for external experts and is agreed upon when we agree on the commission.
Please note that any compensation is dependent on delivery within the time frame agreed upon unless special circumstances exists and are communicated and a new agreement is reached.
Fee leels external experts (only in Swedish) Pdf, 129.4 kB, opens in new window.
In order to register you in the University salary system we need, when you have finished your commission, personal data such as:
- Full name
- Address
- Social security number
If you prefer not to divulge personal information via email, you can also post it to:
Högskolan I Halmstad
Box 823
301 18 Halmstad
We generally deduct 30 percent tax. Should you want higher tax deductions, notify us when you send the above information.
Should you want an invoice, notify us for further instructions.
In order to be able to pay out the compensation for the current month, the information must have reached us by the 7th of the month.
Register bank account of your choice with Danske Bank
You need to notify Danske Bank which bank and bank account you want your compensation to be deposited into. This also applies to those who are already customers of Danske Bank. Notifying Danske Bank your bank account does not mean that you become a customer of Danske Bank. It is the University as a state authority that uses this bank. Your compensation will be paid into the account you notify them of.
This is how you notify Danske Bank of your bank account. For you who have an e-identification (only in Swedish)
- Go to External link.
- Click on ”logga in” by the headline ”Logga in till lönetjänst”
- Register under ”Ny betalningsmottagare”
- Fill in your social security number (yyyymmddxxxx) and email address. In the field ”Kundnummer” write 79159. Approve (”Godkänn”) and click on ”Skicka” (send)
- A confirmation of registration is displayed
- Log in with Bank-ID
- Complete the registration by providing name (”namn”) clearing and bank account number ”bankkontonummer”
- Save/”Spara”
Note that the registration takes about five bank days before it takes effect.
- No valid user selected.
Do you have any questions about the assignment?
Contact the HR Department via the email address below or contact the HR administrator handling your case.