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Fab Lab

Fab Lab Halmstad is a digital “fabrication laboratory” with equipment for producing prototypes. Here you can play, create, supervise and invent – in short, a place for learning and innovation where everyone is welcome! Fab Lab is part of a global network of nearly 1,800 labs worldwide.

Fab Lab creates a hub where people from different disciplines and organisations come together and make their ideas come alive. You are welcome here if you want to scan and print 3D models, cut vinyl, wood or acrylics, cut and solder circuit boards, cast in acrylics or metal, program or model, or just have a great cup of coffee.

Man pointing at colored stickers on a wall, while three other men watch. Photo.

The basis for the Fab Lab method is posted on the wall, always visible to students, co-workers and visitors.

Local lab with global connections

Fab Lab, or Fabrication Laboratory, is a concept developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, centered on openness and collaboration between education, research, trade and industry, and individuals. Fab Lab Halmstad has been around since spring 2016, and is part of a global network consisting of over 1,100 registered labs.

Digital production will change the very core of the industrial landscape, and affect the ability for businesses to survive. That is why digitization plays such a vital role when it comes to establishing opportunities of renewal, the creation of new business and new ways to invent and develop products.

Fab Lab for businesses

Do you want to develop your prototypes in a top-of-the-line, highly modern digital shop, or do you wish to hold meetings in a creative environment? Fab Lab has a lot to offer to businesses. Contact us to find out more!



