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Data Analytics and Service Innovation based on Artificial Intelligence (MAISTR)

The MAISTR programme is directed towards professionals for continued education in AI (specifically Machine Learning), and business and service design based on AI. Read more about each course track via the menu below.


All MAISTR courses are given online and in English. As a participant, you can choose to study the entire programme or individual courses. There are three course tracks within MAISTR: machine learning, human-centered design and innovation management.


MAISTR (Data Analytics and Service Innovation based on Artificial Intelligence) is an educational programme on advanced level. The programme will include a total of 26 courses where each course is 3, 4 or 5 credits. The first courses were given in the spring of 2022 and the rest of the courses will be developed gradually. You can choose to study the entire programme or individual courses. The programme is flexible and can be carried out at the same time as an ongoing professional career. MAISTR has unique aspects by combining courses on AI, human-centered design and innovation management.

Created in collaboration with the industry

Halmstad University, University of Skövde, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and RISE are known for performing high quality AI research in collaboration with industry, as well as delivering campus-based education in the fields of AI, Design and Innovation management. Coming from this background, the universities decided to develop the educational programme MAISTR. The programme consists of 26 courses on advanced level in the fields of AI, design and innovation management with a flexible format that is suited for professionals. MAISTR is a so called ”Expert competence programme” financed by the Swedish Knowledge foundation. The initiative is supported and co-developed by about a dozen Swedish industrial partners.

Apply at

All courses offered by Halmstad University within MAISTR are listed here on Halmstad University webb. The courses require application at and course registration, follow the link on each course page. Application is open as long as there is a possibility of admission. The courses qualify for credits and are free of charge for participants who are citizens of any EU or EEA country, or Switzerland, or are permanent residents in Sweden. More information can be found at

The MAISTR programme and the complete list of courses offered are also described on a seperate website:

MAISTR website External link.

What does a participant have to say?

Kvinna tittar in i kameran och ler. Foto.

Britta Duve Hansen

Britta Duve Hansen is a mathematician and works as a solutions architect at the municipality of Lund. She attended the MAISTR programme at Halmstad University during the spring of 2019:

”I use the concepts that we talk about during the programme in my daily work, but I have no education in the subject. Therefore, I wanted to get the academy's and research's view on how to design for AI and machine learning. At Lund municipality we have a team with UX and service designers. It is important that we, who work with IT architecture, also have knowledge in the area so that we can use the same vocabulary. During the MAISTR programme, we meet one day a month in Halmstad, which is a good arrangement that can easily be integrated with working life.”

”AI is a transforming technology, and industries in many sectors need to step up their competence in this area to maintain competitiveness. This does not mean just the technology side of AI, which traditionally has been the focus of education in Sweden, but also for how services are built on AI.”

Stefan Byttner, project leader of MAISTR



