Ten applications for position as Vice-Chancellor
The application period for the position as Vice-Chancellor of Halmstad University expired on April 4. Ten people have submitted applications. The appointed recruitment group is currently examining how well the applicants correspond to the recruitment profile and which applicants should proceed to the interviews.

“I have very good hopes that we will find a good Vice-Chancellor.”
Harald Castler, Chair of the University Governing Board and the recruitment group
The recruitment agency Source, with which the University collaborates in the recruitment process, has also received some expressions of interest, and has had conversations with possible candidates. The University will accept late applications even though the application period has expired.
“If a well-qualified candidate needs additional time to decide to apply, we have chosen to accept that. To get the best candidate is more important than running the process as fast as possible. We are well on schedule, and I have very good hopes that we will find a good Vice-Chancellor,” says Harald Castler, Chair of the University Governing Board as well as of the recruitment group.