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Hearing with three candidates for the position as Pro Vice-Chancellor

Next week, on 6 September, a hearing will be held with three people who have applied for the position as Pro Vice-Chancellor at Halmstad University.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor has a central position with the responsibility for various University-wide strategic issues.

Blue sky with top of black pillars with the University’s logo and two buildings in the foreground. Photo.

The three candidates are:

  • Mark Dougherty, Professor of Information Technology
  • Malin Hallén, Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication Studies and currently Deputy Vice-Chancellor with a special responsibility for education, quality and sustainability
  • Anders Nelson, Docent in Pedagogy, and currently acting Pro Vice-Chancellor with a special responsibility for collaboration, innovation and internationalisation

The Pro Vice-Chancellor has a central position with the responsibility for various University-wide strategic issues. The Pro Vice-Chancellor serves in place of the Vice-Chancellor when she is not in office and will otherwise replace the Vice-Chancellor to the extent determined by the Vice-Chancellor, for example by representing the University in various contexts. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor is to contribute actively to the University’s profiling, lead and drive development in research, education and collaboration, and actively collaborate with the surrounding society. The Pro Vice-Chancellor is also expected to participate in various national and international contexts in order to contribute to the University’s development. The detailed content of the duties is determined in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor.

Schedule for appointing a new Pro Vice-Chancellor

  • 19 April: The University Governing Board decided on a new process for appointing a new Pro Vice-Chancellor
  • 26 June: Application deadline for the position
  • 6 September: Hearing of candidates
  • 7 September:
    • The consultation groups provide a short written statement of each candidate to the recruitment team
    • The chairpersons of the hearing groups have an oral meeting
    • The recruitment team decides which candidate is to be proposed to the University Governing Board
  • 12 September: The University Governing Board’s documentation is sent to the unions for information according to the Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act
  • 19 September: Negotiation according to Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act
  • 28 September: The University Governing Board meets and decides on a new Pro Vice-Chancellor

Recruitment team for a new Pro Vice-Chancellor

The University Governing Board has appointed a team to work with recruitment and submit proposals for the Pro Vice-Chancellor to the Governing Board for a decision. In addition to Vice-Chancellor Susanna Öhman, who is chair, the team consists of Harald Castler, chair of the University Governing Board, Kalle Jonasson, appointed by the University’s teachers, Catarina Coquand, University Director, Lena-Karin Erlandsson, School Dean, and Victoria Gerelius, student union representative.

Three hearing groups

On 6 September, internal hearings will be held with the candidates in three different hearing groups. Each group has a maximum of ten members.

  • a group of teachers, where the School Dean appoints two people from each School and the unions appoint two people
  • a group of other staff where the University Director appoints eight people and the unions appoint two people
  • a group of students appointed by the Student Union

Each hearing group appoints a chair and a secretary among its members. The consultative groups interview the candidates and issue a short written statement on each candidate to the recruitment team. The chair of each hearing group also checks in verbally with the vice-chancellor.

Teachers will be represented by:

  • Charlotte Olsson (School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability, FIH)
  • Joakim Tell (FIH)
  • Ebba Sundin (School of Health and Welfare, HOV)
  • Andreas Ivarsson (HOV)
  • Nicolina Månsson (School of Informations Technology, ITE)
  • Mattias Ohlsson (ITE)
  • Danielle Cudmore (School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, LHS)
  • Patrik Lilja Skånberg (LHS)
  • Rickard Melkersson (Saco-S Union)
  • Vacant (OFR Union)

Other staff will be represented by:

  • Hilda Liberg (Communications)
  • Håkan Fasth (Student affairs)
  • Brita Lundh (Student affairs)
  • Eva Berg (Human Resources, HR)
  • Johannes Sandén (Chancellery)
  • Martin Lidén (Finance Department)
  • Ulf Karlsson (IT Department)
  • Charlotte Andersson (School of Health and Welfare
  • Vacant (Saco-S Union)
  • Camilla Soto (OFR Union)



