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The project PLOUTOS – Cooperation for achieving third country nationals' financial independence through financial literacy tools and entrepreneurship bootcamps – will serve as a catalyst for strengthening the most fundamental EU values, which have lately been under heavy criticism: equality, social inclusion, labour rights, and open market economies.

PLOUTOS aims to facilitate Third Country Nationals (TCNs) access to financial services via language and community interpreting courses, entrepreneurship and financial literacy training, and innovative technological tools especially designed for TCNs' needs.

The project will boost cities' innovation potential and investments, as statistically immigrants start businesses at higher rate than locals, create jobs, contribute to overcoming the problem of urban poverty.

About the project

Project period


Project leader

Henrik Barth, Senior Lecturer in Industrial Management

Ghazal Zalkat, PhD student

Project partners

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • ABI LAB, Italy
  • Sofia Development Association, Bulgaria
  • CESIE, Italy
  • Future Needs Management Consulting Ltd, Cyprus
  • Innovation Hive, Greece
  • European Microfinance Network, Belgium
  • Squaredev, Belgium
  • Center for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights, Croatia
  • Udruga Za Rad S Mladima Breza, Croatia


European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).



