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Academic Ceremony

15 November 2024

What is an academic ceremony? What is honoured and celebrated? Who attends? What do the words mean? On this page, you will find information about the academic ceremony and what makes the one at Halmstad University special.

Ceremony and Gala Dinner on campus

On Friday, 15 November 2024, this year’s Academic Ceremony will be celebrated at Halmstad University! It will be both a solemn and festive day, when we celebrate successes and, among other things, inaugurate new professors. We also confer doctors and honorary doctors and honour other academic achievements.

The festivities start at 16.00 with the Ceremony followed by the gala dinner. The guests are already seated at the tables when the Ceremony begins. The venue for the festivites is the Unviersty Hall on campus.

Academic Ceremony 2024

A lying bouquet of flowers on the left. On the right, a diploma with purple ribbons lying on some papers. Photo

Ceremony 15 November

On Friday, 15 November 2024, this year’s Academic Ceremony will be celebrated at Halmstad University! It will be both a solemn and festive day, when we celebrate successes and, among other things, inaugurate new professors. We also confer doctors and honorary doctors and honour other academic achievements. The Ceremony starts at 16.00 and will be held in the University Hall on campus.

A person sits and writes on a laptop. In the left hand, the person holds a mobile phone. Photo

Registration – by 30 October at the latest

In September, the official invitation to the ceremony will be sent out with a link to the registration page. You register yourself and your guest(s). Please note that even those who will be recognised and honoured during the Academic Ceremony must register (professor to be inaugurated, doctors/honorary doctors to be conferred, employees who have defended their doctoral thesis at another university since the last academic ceremony, newly appointed docents, newly appointed excellent teaching practitioners, newly appointed deputy professors as well as guest professors and adjunct professors). The invitation is personal and non-transferable.

Programme – Academic Ceremony and Gala Dinner

The Ceremony starts at 16.00. All guests should be seated by 15.45. The main part of the programme will be in Swedish.

The programme is preliminary.

  • Procession
  • Professors’ inauguration
  • Honouring visiting professors, adjunct professors and deputy professors
  • Honouring new docents
  • Conferment ceremony
  • Honouring employees who have defended their doctoral thesis at another university since the last academic ceremony
  • Honouring new excellent teaching practitioners
  • Announcement and awarding of Prize for Collaboration and Innovation
  • Announcement and awarding of the Teaching and Learning Prize
  • Students’ speech
  • Dinner, entertainment and dance

Inaugural lectures

The Ceremony on Friday, 15 November, will be the finale of our academic celebrations, which also includes the new professors’ inaugural lectures and lectures with our new honorary doctors.

Tuesday, 12 November

  • From 9.00 breakfast is served
  • 9.30–10.05: Introduction followed by Ingrid Larsson, Professor of Health and Lifestyle
  • 10.10–10.40: Linnea Gustafsson, Professor of Swedish language
  • 10.45–11.15: Ross Friel, Professor of Electronics

Wednesday, 13 November

  • From 9.00 breakfast is served
  • 9.30–10.05: Introduction followed by Grzegorz Nalepa, Professor of Machine Learning
  • 10.45–11.15: Sarah Pink, Honorary Doctor (Information Technology)
  • 10.10–10.40: Carlos Nascimiento Silla Junior, Professor of Machine Learning

More information about the inaugural lectures

Useful information for all Ceremony participants and guests

Below, there is useful information for all participants and guests of 2023 year’s Academic Ceremony.

A man hands over a diploma to a woman. In the background, a group of people sit in a semicircle. Photo


Professors to be inaugurated are called installandus/installanda, installandi in the plural form. Before the inauguration, there is a lot of information that you need to take part of.

Information for installandi
A man with a wreath on his head, dressed in a cape seen in profile, puts a wreath on another man’s head. Photo


Doctors to be conferred are called promovendus/promovenda, in the plural form: promovendi. You have a doctoral degree from Halmstad University.

Information for promovendi
Two hands hold a top black hat. Photo

Honorary Doctor to be conferred

Our Honorary Doctors have shown appreciation of outstanding achievements to the University. Here’s some useful information before the conferment ceremony.

Information for honorary doctors to be conferred
A large group of people in capes and with flowers their hands stand in a semicircle around a round carpet. In the background a monitor with a blue decoration. Photo

Professors at the University (already inaugurated)

Our already inaugurated professors participate at the Academic Ceremony to support and welcome their new professor colleagues.

Information for already inaugurated professors
In the background, an audience in seating area. In the foreground three people in profile walking. Blurry photo

Visiting professors and adjunct professors at Halmstad University

The University’s visiting professors and adjunct professors are acknowledged and honoured at the Academic Ceremony for their commitment and efforts to the University.

Information for visiting professors and adjunct professors
A woman and a man stand with a bouquet of flowers in their hands and look into the camera. Behind them are two men applauding. Photo

New deputy professor

New deputy professors are acknowledged and honoured at the Academic Ceremony.

Information for new deputy professors
Two women are facing each other shaking hands. In the background a group of people watching the two women. Photo

New docents

New docents (associate professors) are acknowledged and honoured at the Academic Ceremony.

Information for new docents
Four people with bouquets of flowers in their hands stand on a stage. In the background, a few people can be seen. Photo

New excellent teaching practitioners

New New excellent teaching practitioners are acknowledged and honoured at the Academic Ceremony.

Information for new excellent teaching practitioners
A woman and two men stand on a stage. In the background, a few people sit. To the left stands a man in profile in a long cape. Photo

Employees who have defended their doctoral thesis at another university since the last academic ceremony

Information for employees who have defended their doctoral thesis at another university since the last academic ceremony
A person in a shirt and jeans holds up a bouquet of flowers in the air in a gesture of victory. Photo

This year’s award winners

Each year, a particularly skilled teacher is awarded the University’s Teaching and Learning Prize and an employee (or group) who is particularly successful in collaborating with the surrounding society is awarded the Prize for Collaboration and Innovation.

Information for this year’s award winners
The University’s entrance in the background with the University's logo to the left. In the foreground parts of a tree and shrubs. Photo

Employee guests

All members of staff are invited to Academic Ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate colleagues and the University’s academic achievements.

Information for employee guests
A group of people seen from above. Photo

External guests

Academic success and achievements are something which the University celebrates and acknowledges together with partners and friends!

Information for external guests

Facts about Academic Ceremony

Two twigs with leaves in different blue colours, which encircle the text ”Academic ceremony 2023”. The twigs start at the bottom from a symbol that reads ”40 years, 1983–2023, Halmstad University”. Illustration.

What is an academic ceremony?

The academic ceremony is a European university tradition dating back to medieval times and ancient symbolism. Halmstad University is a young university that has created its own traditions and rituals, while remaining true to traditional ceremonies.

More information about academic ceremony
A ring in white gold is on top of another ring in red gold against a black background. Photo

What do all the words mean?

Installandi, promovendi, promotor, diploma, professor, honorary doctor, insignia, parnass … What do all the words and concepts mean associated with an academic ceremony?

Wordlist – academic ceremony
Man med doktorshatt. Foto.

Honorary Doctors at Halmstad University

An Honorary Doctorate is a way for Halmstad University to express gratitude towards someone’s significant achievements within one of the University’s research education areas: Information Technology, Innovation Science or Health and Lifestyle.

They’re our Honorary Doctors!

Previous Academic Ceremonies

Halmstad University celebrated its first Academic Ceremony in 1998. Since then, a total of 16 ceremonies have been celebrated.


Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about the academic ceremony. Please contact if you can not find the answer to your question.

About the invitation

When is the invitation sent out?

Invitations to the ceremony will be sent out in September.

Can I invite guests under the age of 18?

Yes, that’s fine. Please indicate the age of the child in your registration.

What do I do with my registration if I or my guest are prevented from attending the ceremony?

Notify as soon as possible.

About the ceremony

I am a professor and have a doctor’s hat. When and how should it be worn during the procession and ceremony?

You can hold your hat under your arm during the procession (entry). When the promoter puts on his wreath during the ceremony, you put on your hat.

Can I watch the ceremony without attending dinner?

Yes, that’s fine, but you need to register so that we know how many people are coming.

Will the ceremony be broadcast live or recorded for subsequent viewing?

No, it will not.

Can I sit wherever I want during the ceremony?

There is free seating in the hall with the exception of reserved seats at the tables at the front of the stage. Those who have reserved seats will be informed.


Who is invited to lunch at Halmstad Castle?

In addition to installandi and Honorary Doctors, the University’s already inaugurated professors (exception: guest professors and adjunct professors), the University management and the president of the student union are invited to this lunch. No members of family are invited to this lunch.


That is the number of professors who have been appointed at Halmstad University since the first one was employed in 1999.


That is the number of doctorates at Halmstad University since 2011, when the University’s first doctor defended his thesis.

Doctoral education at Halmstad University


That is the number of Honorary Doctors at Halmstad University

They are our Honorary Doctors!