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Halmstad University educates European police authorities in cyber security

The Swedish Security Service recently stated that digitalisation, globalisation and technological development have made our society vulnerable. To spread knowledge and expertise about IT security and how this can be used in crime prevention, Halmstad University educates European police authorities in cyber security and network technology.

A police officer standing in the street, hands clasped behind his back. Photo.

”We educate staff at European police authorities so that they in turn can train their IT crime investigators.”

Malin Bornhager

Halmstad University is a member of the European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG). Malin Bornhager and Olga Torstensson, both experts in cyber security at Halmstad University, have recently begun the second round of Cisco instructor training for ECTEG members.

“We educate staff at the European police authorities that are members of ECTEG in cyber security, so that they in turn can train their IT crime investigators”, says Malin Bornhager, Lecturer in Computer Network Technology at the School of Information Technology.

Two people in front of a wall of cords, servers and computers. Photo.

Apart from being responsible for the University's Cisco Academy and these courses, Malin Bornhager (left) and Olga Torstensson are programme directors at Halmstad University. Malin Bornhager is responsible for the University's Bachelor's programme in IT Forensics and Information Security and Olga Torstensson for the Master's Programme in Network Forensics.

Police authorities in ten countries are being trained

In addition to the cyber security course, the participating police authorities also receive a basic introduction to network technology. The course has been given in two rounds, with ten participants at a time, from police authorities in Sweden, Romania, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Ireland, Greece, Belgium, Iceland and Austria.

“There is an already established collaboration between European police authorities. This course creates new opportunities for exchange of experience between the police authorities as well as additional opportunities for collaboration with Halmstad University”, says Olga Torstensson, Lecturer at the School of Information Technology.

A dark room with a dimly lit desk with several computer monitors on it. Photo.

IT related crimes have increased by 949 percent between 2006 and 2015.

Supports exchange between the police and academia

In the coming autumn, a meeting is planned at Halmstad University for the newly trained instructors with practical elements and knowledge exchange.

“For us at the University, the course gives us an opportunity to gain perspective, establish new contacts and develop collaborative projects”, says Olga Torstensson.

Text: Louise Wandel
Photo: Ida Fridvall and Unsplash

Footnote. In December 2020, the Security Police decided to establish a national center for cyber security. External link, opens in new window.

Source of crime statistics: Brottsförebyggande rådet, rapport 2016:17. External link.


ECTEG is an EU-funded project aimed at sharing knowledge and expertise as well as developing educational solutions in cyber security. ECTEG works actively to support police organisations with knowledge and expertise, which is done in collaboration with academic partners. Participants who have taken the course in cyber security and network technology at Halmstad University become certified Cisco instructors and can spread knowledge further in their police organisation. Halmstad University is involved in several ECTEG projects where participants develop educational materials in digital forensics and cyber security.

ECTEG website External link, opens in new window.

About Halmstad University Cisco Academy

One of the leading actors within cyber security courses is the Cisco Networking Academy. It is a collaboration between universities all over the world and the company Cisco Systems, which provides products and services in network and data communication. Halmstad University is a so-called Cisco Academy and a Cisco Instructor Training Center. That means that the University has the right to educate both instructors and students within the various courses provided by the Cisco Networking Academy.

Halmstad University Cisco Academy



