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Solidarity with Ukraine

Halmstad University wants to show its solidarity with colleagues, students and civilians in Ukraine. The University supports the statement of solidarity with Ukraine from the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) and the European University Association (EUA). Halmstad University is monitoring the situation closely.

“Collaboration within education and research is something we believe strengthens openness and freedom”.

Stephen Hwang, Vice-Chancellor

 Photo showing the Ukrainian blue-yellow flag against blue sky

On March 2, the Swedish Minister for Education called on all higher education institutions in Sweden to immediately suspend all cooperation with governmental institutions in Russia and Belarus. Halmstad University has no current agreements or collaborations with these countries, nor with Ukraine. Individual researchers or teachers may have ongoing contacts with peers in the mentioned countries.

“Collaboration within education and research is something we believe strengthens openness and freedom. Even though formal cooperation must stop due to the current situation, it is important that teachers and researchers may keep in contact and also support colleagues in other countries”, says Vice-Chancellor Stephen Hwang.



