Malin Hallén becomes new Pro Vice-Chancellor
The University Governing Board has decided to appoint Malin Hallén as the new Pro Vice-Chancellor at Halmstad University. She will take office on 1 January, 2024, after a recruitment process in which four people applied, and three candidates proceeded to the consultative assemblies. After this, the recruitment group determined that Malin Hallén is the candidate who best meets the recruitment profile.
“Malin Hallén has already shown great skills and genuine commitment in her assignments at Halmstad University and is a good representative for the University.”
Harald Castler, Chair of the University Governing Board

Malin Hallén becomes new Pro Vice-Chancellor as of 1 January, 2024.
“Malin Hallén has already shown great skills and genuine commitment in her assignments at Halmstad University and is a good representative for the University. She already plays an important role in the University governance and will continue to do so as Pro Vice-Chancellor”, says Harald Castler, Chair of the University Governing Board.
Long experience from many assignments
Malin Hallén, who is a Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication studies, has held the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for education, quality, and sustainability since 2022. She was Chair of the Research and Education Board 2019–2022 and has previously been Head of Department, Deputy Dean and Acting Dean of the School of Health and Welfare. She has been employed at Halmstad University since 2000.
“I am very happy and honoured for the shown confidence in me! As Pro Vice-Chancellor, I want to be involved in creating even better conditions for employees and students to thrive and do good work at Halmstad University. I have in various ways been involved in the University’s journey and would like to use these experiences to contribute to developing and strengthening our education, research, and cooperation and continue protecting a good working environment,” says Malin Hallén.
Malin Hallén succeeds Anders Nelson, who has been Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor since former Pro Vice-Chancellor, Pernilla Nilsson, left the assignment in 2022. Education issues will continue to be Malin Hallén’s main area of responsibility.
“We are facing many challenges”
“We are facing many challenges that I look forward to continuing working on, for example, the declining direct government funding for higher education, the supply of skills and difficulties in recruiting in specific subject areas. An even more fundamental, but also burning issue, is the role and importance of academia when it comes to increasing trust in scientific knowledge and facts”, says Malin Hallén.
“Malin Hallén will be a great asset to both the University and me as Vice-Chancellor. For me, as a new Vice-Chancellor, it is important to get to work with a Pro Vice-Chancellor with such solid knowledge about our university. Malin Hallén is responsive and inclusive but also clear and communicative – all qualities I value greatly. I also want to thank the other applicants! They are all good candidates for the position as Pro Vice-Chancellor. I am grateful for the interest and commitment that everyone has shown in the process leading up to the Governing Board’s decision”, says Vice-Chancellor Susanna Öhman.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor is the deputy of the Vice-Chancellor and acts as Vice-Chancellor when the Vice-Chancellor is not on duty. The Governing Board appoints the Pro-Vice Chancellor, which is a three-year post with the option of being extended.
Text: Selma Sedelius
Picture: Dan Bergmark
Footnote: The minutes from the meeting where the decision was taken have not yet been approved.