Researcher at Halmstad University new chair of DHC+
Hello there Kristina Lygnerud, associate professor of business administration, and congratulations! You have just taken over the chairmanship of DHC+. What is DHC+ and how will it be noticeable that you are now chair of the board?
“Thanks! DHC+ is the European industry organisation Euroheat & Power’s platform for research in district heating and cooling. As chair, I am involved in defining the focus of European research on district heating and cooling. I want to pursue how to attract green investors to the sector to facilitate energy conversion.”

Kristina Lygnerud is new chair of the European industry organisation Euroheat & Power’s platform for research in district heating and cooling. Photo: Helena Bengtsson
What is your own research about?
“I am an associate professor in business administration and work with the ‘energy group’ here at the University, which focuses on wind power and district heating issues. My research is about the development of business models, how risk perception change when businesses change and how to identify and capitalise on new values that arise through change. I have studied the district heating sector in which I worked as a business developer for five years.
What role does the Halmstad University’s district heating research play – at present and in the future?
“It was indeed the strong district heating research that made me apply to Halmstad University. I hope that our district heating research in the future can be broadened to include the business part as well, in addition to the more technical issues.”