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Forskning i Halmstad

Forskning i Halmstad is a series of publications for researchers employed at Halmstad University. The manuscript undergoes a peer review process by at least two reviewers before publication.

Publish in Forskning i Halmstad

All publications in Forskning i Halmstad are published in full text in Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet (DiVA) according to the university’s guidelines. All titles are catalogued and made available via the University library’s catalogue and become searchable in, for example, LIBRIS and Google Scholar.

  • The university's publisher, Halmstad University Press, is responsible for the publishing, and for for electronic Legal Deposit according to The Legal Deposit Act for Electronic Materials (2012:492).
  • The author is responsible for costs that may arise in the production of the publication
  • The Research and Education Board is responsible for any costs in connection with the quality review.



