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Areas of strength at the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability

The School's research is divided into four areas och strength: Energy Systems, Sustainable Transition and Innovation, Business Model Innovation, and Societal Collaboration for a Sustainable Future.

Energy Systems

A sustainable society need to transition from fossil fuel-based energy systems to renewable energy sources. This potential area of strength attracts and focuses research that examine and analyse resource efficiency and renewable energy supply, for example through heat recovery in district heating systems, power production with wind turbines and biogas production in the agricultural sector. Current research in this area by the school includes topics such as district heating, wind power, and bioenergy.

Sustainable Transition and Innovation

Pollution and climate change require innovative solutions with positive effects for human health, industry, society and natural ecosystems. This potential area of strength attracts and focuses research that examine and analyse circular economy solutions that strengthen the ability to innovate and stimulate the development of smart use of natural resources, tailored biomaterials, services and processes to create sustainable practices and eco-friendly consumption patterns today as well as for future generations. Current research in this area by the school includes topics such as food, water, disruptive material production, sustainable resource management.

Business Model Innovation

The globalization of markets and industries means that innovations and internationalization that foster economic, social, and technological progress in harmony with nature is becoming an important issue for companies and other actors in society. This potential area of strength attracts and focuses research that examine and analyse how business model innovations can help companies create, take advantage of and utilize new markets and contribute to growth and sustainability. Current research in this area by the school includes topics such as international entrepreneurship, models and processes for financing and scaling up ventures, and business/innovation ecosystems.

Sustainable Development in Collaboration

Tackling societal grand challenges require collaborative efforts by governments, public and private organisations, and citizens at different levels in society. This area of strength addresses and focuses research that examine and analyze the governance and coordination of formal and informal collaborations and partnerships that benefit a sustainable and inclusive society by improving and fostering innovation and creative solutions. Current research in this area by the School includes topics such as university-industry collaborations, corporate governance, and innovation support structures such as incubators and accelerators.



