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GreenFleets – promoting sustainable transport by re-designing public fleets

The transport sector has great potential in the green transition. The municipalities have a major role in boosting the green conversion of transport, because they have several strings to play.

Interreg Öresund Skagerak Kattegat logotype. Co-funded by the EU.

The municipalities have both large vehicle fleets with different types of vehicles and can therefore push the market over a wide range by converting their own vehicles internally, but also by internally reducing the need for vehicles. Municipalities are also jointly responsible for many vehicles in connection with the tenders and agreements that are entered into under the auspices of the municipality's activities. These vehicles are owned by private operators, but the municipality can help motivate greener transport via requirements and criteria. Therefore, Danish and Swedish partners have initiated a project with financial support from Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak called Green Fleets, which will delve into this agenda and together find sustainable ways to transform the fleets.

About the project

Project period

  • 2024-01-31–2026-12-31

Project Leaders

  • Angelica Rennerfelt, Project Leader Fyrbodal
  • Local Project Leader: Christian Koch, Guest Professor at Halmstad University

Collaboration partners

  • Aalborg Universitet
  • Aalborg Kommune
  • Forenede Danske El-bilister (FDEL)
  • Fyrbodal
  • Hjørring Kommune
  • Skive Kommune
  • Dalsland Miljö- och Energiförbund
  • Boråsregionens Sjuhärads Kommunalförbund


  • Interreg ÖKS
  • Västra götalandregionen
  • Fyrbodals kommunalförbund




