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DeCoSTE: designing and enacting coherent science teacher education

The central objective of this project is to provide new science teachers with a coherent set of learning experiences and a consistent set of concrete planning and reflection tools that will allow them so provide coherent science instruction.

The main purpose of the DECoSTE project is to develop and test planning and reflection tools and associated learning modules for pre-service science teachers. The tools and modules support pre-service science teachers in both better understanding the principles of coherent science teaching and also implementing these principles in their classrooms. To introduce the different tools during university teacher education programs, we also developed module
booklets as guidlines for science teacher educators. These module booklets each include:

  1. a short description of the tool,
  2. how the tools support coherent science instruction,
  3. how the tools can be integrated into science teacher education programs,
  4. possible difficulties of pre-service teachers, as well as
  5. suggested activities and materials to introduce and discuss the tools with pre-service science teachers.

All module booklets are available with Open Access.

About the project

Project period

  • 2020-06-25–2023-08-31

Project manager

Other participating researchers

Collaboration partners

  • University of Kiel, Germany
  • The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Copenhagen University, Denmark
  • University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Usac University, Turkey


  • Erasmus



