Research projects within the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
Here you can find a list of the School's ongoing research projects.
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- 18th century Swedish occasional poetry in a new light
- A new location-independent entrepreneurship in rural areas
- Before, during and after studies at Halmstad University
- Between resignation and future prospects – a research programme on educational pathways and learning processes among young people in stigmatized urban settings in Gothenburg
- B-SHAPES – borders shaping perceptions of European societies
- Building knowledge and identity as a teacher – transitioning into teaching through a short teacher education programme
- Dance in preschool teaching – preschool teachers’ reflections on their own ability to teach dance with children in preschool
- DeCoSTE: designing and enacting coherent science teacher education
- Democratic and intercultural dialogue
- Digital tools in preschool science teaching
- Gunnar Ekelöf, “Remaining poems I–II”
- Health and sustainability. Individual responsibility or democratic politics?
- High quality in less time – “Mission impossible” or room for innovation?
- Humour in Nordic poetry
- Integration of learning environments for technology and sustainability education
- Intercambio: Interventions to promote mental and physical health in changing working environments due to climate change, sustainable work practices, and in green jobs
- In the eye of the beholder? Defining and understanding multipolarity in the 21st century
- Linguistic networks: Connecting constructions within and between languages
- MOLiS – co-creative leadership in schools
- Preschools’ learning environment for well-being and recovery
- Relaxing the principle of decorum: Early modern Swedish funeral poetry in a new light
- Ship crew safety training for Resilience
- Swedish defence restructuring and its relations with the United States
- Teaching about sustainable development
- The history and significance of the pekoral, the noble pekoral and the pekoral pastiche in Sweden from the 1600s to the present
- The use of adaptive VR environments to support students learning in multilingual study guidance (VRiS)
- To see what we don’t see: Analysis of teaching and practical teaching skills with students and student teaching supervisors in preschools
- Why become a teacher of Swedish?