REBEL: Re-Imagining Future Smart Living – Beyond the Living Lab
The research programme REBEL (Re-Imagining Future Smart Living – beyond the Living Lab) is about how socially and environmentally sustainable smart cities and communities can be promoted in a participatory and responsible way that takes social and local values and know-how into account.
REBEL is the design hub at Halmstad University
We explore and design for future liveable blended places. Under the umbrella of REBEL we gather Halmstad University's expertise in design - ranging from the design of services, experiences and AI-powered robots to speculative and norm-critical design, from product design to smart objects and materials. Design is for us not only an outcome, but also a way of thinking and making that shapes the REBEL approach to education and research.
REBEL’s upcoming activities
Don’t miss out on what’s going on in REBEL! Take part of upcoming activities here.
10 September: REBEL Living Lab Day. Last day to register is on 5 September.
The vision of the programme is a world where the development of smart technology takes place in a responsible, ethical, and socially relevant way. Through locally based Living Labs, the idea is that REBEL will promote co-created design concepts for the sustainable living of the future.
REBEL engages several of Halmstad University’s well-established research groups, including design ethnography, service design, green transition, AI and smart materials, norm-critical design, sociology, humanities, and innovation (see list of engaged researchers below).
The REBEL mission is to:
- Lead internationally on co-creative design ethnographic future living labs with impact for socially sustainable everyday life.
- Democratise technological development in future living thorugh human-centred design and responsible innovation.
- Support and assess green transition by aligning decarbonisation and digital transformations with social sustainability through making and implementing concepts for future livable places and quality of life within planetary boundaries.
- Build bridges that foster transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral professional collaborations and connects research and HEI education through a developed REBEL pedagogy.
- Provide a networking platform for mutual support, facilitate project opportunities, academic careers and guidance to the wider community.
REBEL will do this by creating a support system of REBEL meet-ups, networking opportunities, seed-corn projects and strategic REBEL pedagogy development. REBEL is led by a leader’s pool of international guest professors, Halmstad University researchers and REBEL project leaders.
Participating researchers
School of Information Technology
- Charlotte Arghavan Shahlaei, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Imad Bani Hani, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Magnus Bergquist, Professor
- Meike Brodersen, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Robert Broström, Adjunct Professor
- Stefan Byttner, Professor
- Emma Börjesson, Lecturer
- Katerina Cerna, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Martin Cooney, Senior Lecturer
- Mark Dougherty, Professor
- Esbjörn Ebbesson, Lecturer
- Vaike Fors, Professor
- Ahmad Ghazawneh, Senior Lecturer
- Dimitrios Gkouskos, Senior Lecturer
- Lena Hylving, Senior Lecturer
- Lars-Olof Johansson, Senior Lecturer
- Magnus Jonsson, Professor
- Susanne Lindberg, Senior Lecturer
- Mats Lindqvist, Lecturer
- Jesper Lund, Senior Lecturer
- Roy Yi Luo, PhD Student
- Sus Lyckvi, Senior Lecturer
- Simon Norris, PhD Student
- Nicole Norris, PhD Student
- Sarah Pink, Monash University, Guest Professor
- Andrea Resmini, Senior Lecturer
- Rachel Smith, Aarhus University, Guest Professor
- Oliver Weberg, PhD Student
- Pontus Wärnestål, Associate Professor
School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability
- Martin Bergman, Lecturer
- Maya Hoveskog, Senior Lecturer
- Anders Hylmö, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Jeaneth Johansson, Professor
- Thomas Magnusson, Professor
- Heidi Norrström, Senior Lecturer
- Eugenia Perez Vico, Senior Lecturer
- Hanna Rydehell, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Bengt-Göran Rosén, Professor
- Joakim Tell, Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Welfare
- Anna Condelius, Senior Lecturer
- Anna Isaksson, Senior Lecturer
- Pernilla Ouis, Professor
- Britta Teleman, PhD Student
School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
Pre-studies to develop applications
REBEL funds researchers at Halmstad University who want to conduct preliminary studies to create conditions for new exciting projects and collaborations to emerge with so-called seed-corn projects.
The focus is on exploring and co-creating cultural, social and physical values in future smart living. Currently, the research programme has nine seed projects underway to develop applications:
- Norm-critical design of SIS housing (Anna Isaksson & Emma Börjesson)
- Student housing of the future (Andreas Resmini)
- How digital technology can bring nature closer in urban areas (Katerina Cerna)
- Energy consumption and the future of smart homes (Jonnie Eriksson & Tomas Nilson)
- FabLab development (BG Rosén)
- Future Data Ethics (Charlotte Arghavan)
- Democratisation and accessibility of prosthetics (Fawzi Halila)
- Co-design of future work vehicles (Dimitrios Gkouskos)
- Co-design of socially sustainable mobility hubs (Jesper Lund)