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How to apply

On this page you will find information about the University's recruitment process and how to design your application. The University's recruitment and promotion processes must be characterised by openness, transparency and merit-based assessment, known as OTM-R (open, transparent and merit-based recruitment).

OTM-R is a central concept in the European Commission's guidelines “The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”. The university is certified to work actively in developing its recruitment processes in accordance with these principles.

Halmstad University actively works towards greater diversity and internationalisation. Any potential conflict of interest are taken into consideration in each individual case.

The Appointments Procedure is intended to provide a general description of the University’s eligibility requirements, assessment criteria and recruitment ethics for both appointments and promotions. The document Guidelines for Recruitment and Promotion clarifies the eligibility requirements and assessment criteria and the process around recruitment and promotion are described.

Formulation of the application

In order to conduct proficiency assessments, the applicant must submit a complete application and a systematic documentation of their cited merits. The applications are sent via the University's recruitment system Varbi.

Halmstad University is checking references and in conjunction with experts checking publication data. The University may also check degree certificates received, course certificates or similar documents, preferably by direct contact with the issuer of the document in question, but also by requesting an authenticated/certified version.

Application for appointment as university teacher

Relevant to all academic appointments with the exception of doctoral student, postdoctoral fellow and teaching assistant. The application must in general include the following:

  • Declaration of intent: that is, a future-oriented description of what the applicant intends to accomplish if they held the position (maximum 3 pages for assistant lecturer, senior lecturer, deputy professor and professor, 1–2 pages for other teacher appointments).
  • Brief list of merits and positions held (CV) supported by the relevant degree certificates and any certificates and testimonials.
  • Degree certificate. Uploaded as separate file (easy to distinguish). A translation into English or Swedish must be provided if the documents were not issued in either of these languages.
  • List of publications: List of all publications that also shows which publications the applicant wishes to cite for this appointment (maximum of eight/ten with regards to lecturer positions/professor positions).
    • Cited publications should preferably include a link or be attached separately.
    • The applicant's role in the various works cited must be stated.
    • Not mandatory for appointment as lecturer.
  • A brief description for each area cited by the applicant based on the requirements specification and assessment criteria, as well as attached supporting documentation.
    • Research expertise (where relevant to the position)
    • Teaching expertise
    • Leadership and administrative expertise
    • Collaboration with the surrounding community.
    • Examples of relevant documentation to attach to the report are given in the section on assessment criteria.
  • Status regarding training in teaching and learning in higher education. It must be stated, on the basis of course certificates, syllabuses and/or course descriptions, whether you have completed teaching and learning in higher education of 15 credits (10 weeks) or equivalent. Applicants without teaching and learning in higher education or equivalent experience are expected to obtain this knowledge within two years of starting employment, in the event of being recruited.
  • References: (including contact details) and salary requirements should be specified.
    References should also be able to verify the quality of any administrative/management and collaborative assignments performed.

Requirements for the content of the application may change depending on position. This is shown in the announcement in question.

Applications for other positions

The applications must in general include the following:

Application for postdoctoral fellow

  • Cover letter. Brief description of your academic ambitions, interests and experience relevant to the position/project in question (max 2 pages)
  • CV. Brief list of merits and positions held that provides a picture of your overall competence. Supported by relevant certificates and testimonials.
  • Degree certificate. Degree certificate uploaded as separate file clearly marked. A translation into English or Swedish must be provided if the documents were not issued in either of these languages.
  • List of publications. List of scientific texts and your role in these publications. Thesis and cited publications should preferably include a link or be attached separately.
  • References including contact details.

Application for doctoral student

  • Cover letter. Brief description of your academic ambitions, interests and experience relevant to the position/project in question (max 2 pages).
  • Brief list of merits and positions held (CV) Brief list of merits and positions held that provides a picture of your overall competence. Later in the process, certificates, grades or equivalent may be requested.
  • Degree certificate. Certificate from previous university studies uploaded as a separate file, clearly marked. A translation into English or Swedish must be provided if the documents were not issued in either of these languages.
  • Scientific texts such as degree of Bachelor's and Master's thesis and other research texts, include a link or attached as PDF.
  • References including contact details.

Application for teaching assistant

  • Cover letter stating why the applicant is applying for the position, what they hope to contribute and how their experience and abilities meet the qualification requirements. (1 page).
  • Brief list of merits and positions held (CV) that provides a picture of the candidate's overall competence. Later in the process, certificates, grades or equivalent may be requested.
  • Registration certificate confirming ongoing studies at first or second cycle level.
  • References including contact details.
  • Any other documents cited by the applicant.

Application for technical and administrative staff (including research engineer and research assistant)

  • Cover letter stating why the applicant is applying for the position, what they hope to contribute and how their experience and abilities meet the qualification requirements. (1–2 pages)
  • Brief list of merits and positions held (CV) that provides a picture of the candidate's overall competence. Later in the process, certificates, grades or equivalent may be requested.
  • Relevant degree certificate(s) (separately uploaded as individual file).
  • References including contact details.
  • Any other documents cited by the applicant.


Selection process

Assessment criteria for the recruitment of teaching staff 

The guidelines for recruitment and promotion formalises what Halmstad University uses as the basis for the assessment of the eligibility requirements and other qualifications that are of relevance to the recruitment of teaching staff. What specific eligibility requirements and assessment criteria are relevant to each teaching position and the level of skill that is sought are given by Halmstad University's appointments procedure and the announcement in question. 

The selection is based on a first step in the fulfilment of the eligibility requirements (basic requirements) for the position. Subsequently, a total assessment of the level of expertise in addition to these basic requirements is made, taking into account all of the assessment criteria relevant to the position. 

The assessment criteria apply to both appointments and promotion for teaching positions. 

Management of experts 

For the appointment of a professor, visiting professor, adjunct professor, senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer, deputy professor and first lecturer, opinions on the expertise of the applicants shall be obtained, provided that this is not manifestly unnecessary for appraisal of their expertise. The Recruitment Committee decides on experts according to proposals from the recruiting manager. Normally, two external experts should be appointed.


For the positions that are prepared by the Recruitment Committee, the committee decides which candidate(s) should be invited to interview and any trial lecture. In order achieve good quality in the interviews, they must be well prepared, held in a structured manner and documented. 

Trial lecture 

Normally, trial lectures should be held for recruitment to permanent employment as professor, deputy professor, senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer (despite time limit), first lecturer and lecturer. 

Trial lectures should be kept brief and be open, as well as with the possibility for students and other staff at the school in question to attend. 

Reference checking 

References must always be checked, and this represents an opportunity to obtain supplementary information about the candidate, to confirm the information provided in the application and the interview, and to clarify any grey areas. The focus should be on evaluating the qualifications that are set out in the announcement. 

Decision on employment 

It is a matter for the Vice-Chancellor, or the party the Vice-Chancellor has delegated decision-making authority to decide on employment (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5, Section 11). Who decides in each matter at Halmstad University is clarified in the Vice-Chancellor's decision-making procedure and delegation of authority, Ref. no. L 2020/164. 

The University provides information about employment decisions on the University's official notice board (a digital screen in Service Center) where there is also a reference to appeals.

All applicants are notified that an employment decision has been made.


Decisions in connection with the recruitment can in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance always be appealed, unless it concerns doctoral student positions. 

An appeal to the Higher Education Appeals Board is made by the individual that the decision concerns. Anyone wishing to make an appeal should do so in writing to:

Halmstad University
Box 823
301 18 Halmstad

Alternatively send an e-mail to

State the reference number of the decision, the reason for the appeal, and the desired change to the decision. The University must receive appeals no later than three weeks after the decision was posted on the University's official notice board. The University does not make any assessment of the merits but promptly hands over the matter to the Higher Education Appeals Board, provided it has been received in due time. The Higher Education Appeals Board can then contact the University for an opinion as part of the basis for decision-making in the matter.

The University's Recruitment Committee

The University's Recruitment Committee is a preparatory and quality assurance body that deals with matters relating to teaching positions prior to decisions being taken in accordance with the Vice-Chancellor's decision-making procedure and delegation of authority.

The committee ensures that the selection is made based on the eligibility requirements and the assessment criteria that have been set out and that matters relating to recruitment and promotion are handled in accordance with applicable appointments procedure and these supplementary guidelines.

The Recruitment Committee prepares matters relating to appointments of professor (including adjunct professor and visiting professor), deputy professor, senior lecturer, associate senior professor, as well as first lecturer and all matters relating to promotion. Temporary appointments to senior lecturer, deputy professor or first lecturer are not normally prepared by the committee.

The recruitment committee consists of scientifically qualified teachers appointed by the Research and Education Board. Insight and influence for the students in matters relating to appointments are ensured through a student representative. The case is preferred by a temporary representative with insight into the current recruitment, usually the recruiting manager. HR provides support and guidance.



