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Students and companies established important connections at fair

At the annual ITE fair students and companies in the IT sector get the chance to meet and create important contacts for the future. In the beginning of December, a large number of exhibitors and students met at the University as it was time for this year's fair.

At the ITE fair companies and organisations exhibit and meet students from the University’s programmes at the School of Information Technology (ITE).

The fair enables the exhibitors and the students to connect with each other and discuss possible internships, thesis work and future employment.

Two women are standing turned against each other and has a conversation. In the background there is a crowd of people. The photo is taken from the side.

Programme Director Nicolina Månsson, to the left, attended to meet visitors and exhibitors. Here she is with Sara Nilsson from Dizparc.

Appreciated by the many exhibitors

The ITE fair is an event that has grown over time, and at last week’s fair in Visionen at the University more exhibitors than ever before participated. About thirty companies and organisations came to meet the students and other curious visitors.

“This feels great. There are so many students here! I think that it’s interesting to see the meetings between the companies and the students and it’s fun to see when they find each other”, said Nicolina Månsson, Programme Director for the programmes Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechatronical Engineering.

One of the exhibitors was the company Vinnergi who sees several advantages with a meeting place like this.

“It was nice to attend and meet everybody. It’s a fantastic opportunity to come out and show your company at an early stage, to compete for the future resources”, said Patrik Malmros from Vinnergi.

Representatives from Region Halland also attended to give information and particularly highlight their activities within the area of IT and digitalisation.

“I think this is great. There’s a big commitment from the students and many ask about internships, thesis work and future careers. Not all of them know what Region Halland is doing within digitalisation. We are an exciting workplace, where you get to be a part of developing the society”, said Madeleine Solenhill, Operations Manager in IT and digitalisation at Region Halland.

Several groups of people are standing spread out in the entrance to a building talking to each other. The photo is taken from above.

Many interested visitors took part in this year's fair in Visionen at the University.

Students received valuable inspiration

Two of the students who came to Visionen to network was Mohammed Atout and Shahidullah Hassanzadah. They are both studying the third year of the programme Master of Science in Intelligent Systems.

“I wanted to check out the companies, see if I find something interesting and maybe get an idea for my thesis work. The fair is good, it’s much needed”, said Mohammed Atout, and Shahidullah Hassanzadah agreed:

“It has been fun to meet different companies and get ideas.”

Two men are standing next to each other smiling, with the arm around one another. The man to the left wears a dark hoodie and the man to the right a bright jacket.

Shahidullah Hassanzadah and Mohammed Atout spoke to the exhibitors and got inspired.

The ITE fair

The ITE fair is an annual event that is organised by the School of Information Technology (ITE) at Halmstad University. The fair is a meeting place for students and companies and organisations that are active in the fields of Information technology, Electronics and Mechatronics. During the fair, the business sector gets the chance to give information about their activities to students.

This year the following exhibitors attended: 365id AB, Academic Work, Accigo, Afry, Combitech, Consid, CoreLink, Datema, Devoteam, Dizparc, Engel Consulting AB, ETP Powering Solutions, Etteplan, Getinge AB, HMS, Kollmorgen, Lumit, Metabytes, Mildef, Mobile Integrator, NIBE, Orange Cyberdefence, Phoniro ASSA ABLOY, Pickering, Quicksearch, Randek, Region Halland, Scionova, Statkraft Sverige, Thule Group, Vagabond, Vinnergi AB och Zmarta.



