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Doctoral education in Information Technology

Doctoral education in Information Technology at Halmstad University aims to produce well-trained scientists, educators and future leaders in information technology. A doctoral degree certifies that the student has completed training in Information Technology with considerable breadth and depth, and has done research in the area.

The training offered consists of many components, such as courses, seminars, projects and individual studies; which help students to develop skills and achieve academic objectives. The students are offered the opportunity and are encouraged to participate in research right from the start of their training, under appropriate supervision. The doctoral programme includes both a licentiate degree and a PhD degree. A licentiate degree can be an intermediate stage in a PhD programme.

To help students achieve their goals we, the School of Information Technology, offer:

  • an active research environment
  • an introductory course on research ethics, philosophy of science and teaching in higher education
  • a profile course that introduces the research environment’s current projects, objectives and methods
  • an introduction to the school and the research environment
  • a wide range of courses at graduate level and advanced level in Information Technology
  • a wide range of general courses at graduate level in areas such as ethics, university teaching, research methods and scientific communication
  • regular briefings on issues of general interest, such as preparation for careers after graduation
  • a monitoring system concerned with the well-being and success of the students during education.



