Accelerating sustainable agrobiomass for biogas
More biogas is needed on both sides of the Øresund for the green transition and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve this, agriculture must contribute with more biomass. Through the project, we will demonstrate new concepts and accelerate a sustainable biomass supply for increased production in the region of both biogas and food.
The greatest potential for increased biogas production is in agricultural residues and through sustainable intensification. We need to find rational ways to better utilise crop residues from the cultivation of cereals, legumes, rapeseed, sugar beet, etc. But we also need to develop sustainable concepts for growing and harvesting biomass, such as cover crops, without compromising natural values and food production. These challenges and needs are similar throughout the project region.
Farmers and biogas producers need to cooperate more. Farmers need to test new concepts to harvest and collect new biomasses and biogas producers need to test these new substrates in their processes, i.e. storage, pre-treatment, feeding and digestion. How this affects the biogas digestate also needs to be investigated. Together, farmers and biogas companies need to develop new business models and build practical experience of the logistics in the value chains.
In the project, 4 Living Labs will be developed with local partners in different locations in the project region. Together with farmers and biogas producers and other relevant stakeholders, the knowledge gaps will be identified, concepts around new agricultural biogas substrates will be developed, tested and demonstrated. Doing this together with the target groups and in real environments, we will produce credible and relevant results. Research indicates major climate benefits if these biomasses are utilised in the biogas system compared to leaving crop residues on the field. With the project, we will fill knowledge gaps and develop innovative ideas and approaches on how that can be implemented and we create cross-border meeting places for dissemination of the results to catalyse local efforts and to initiate implementation on a broader front.
About the projects
Project period
- 2025-01-01–2027-12-31
Project Leader
- Sabine Täuber, Energikontor syd
Other participating researchers
- Marie Mattsson, Professor
External link.
- Anna Hansson, Senior Lecturer
External link.
- Niklas Karlsson, Senior Lecturer
External link.
- Martin Melin, Senior Lecturer
External link.
Collaboration partners
- Energikontor syd
- Hushållningssällskapet i Halland
- Agroväst Livsmedel
- Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
- Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götaland
- Aarhus universitet
- Fjordland, Skive kommun
- Central Denmark EU
- Region Skåne
- Region Halland
- Västra Götalandsregionen
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