ProActS – Promoting resource efficiency, co-creative Actions, and Innovation for Sustainable transition
The research programme ProActS (Promoting resource efficiency, co-creative Actions, and Innovation for Sustainable transition) takes a broad and multidisciplinary approach to sustainability issues. The goal is to positively contribute to societal developments in sustainability and circularity. The research includes environmental, social and economic sustainability.
ProActS tackles challenges regarding, for an example, energy, water, food and climate change. The programme is part of the University's focus area Smart Cities and Communities. It aims to explore and solve societal problems related to using resources in a circular way.
The research programme brings together researchers in business administration, energy engineering, environmental science, humanities, information technology, innovation sciences and social sciences from all of the University's faculties. The research includes environmental, social and economic sustainability and is carried out in close collaboration with the surrounding society.
Four central themes
- Resource and energy efficiecy
- Cocreating and facilitating circularity
- Governance principles and policies
- Digital solutions for smart cities and communities

Research questions
The programme addresses the following questions:
- How can resource and energy efficiency solutions co-created with relevant stakeholders promote sustainable transition?
- By what governance principles and policies, circular business models, and digital solutions, may sustainable transition be facilitated, supported, and achieved towards smart cities and communities?
- What barriers and drivers exist for a societal transition towards circularity and what solutions could be used to overcome barriers and strengthen drivers?
Connection to focus area
Participating researchers
School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability
Mohammad Saeid Atabaki, Postdoctoral Position
Helge Averfalk, Senior Lecturer
Henrik Barth, Senior Lecturer
Johannes Berglind Söderqvist, Lecturer
Jasmin Borgert, PhD student
Mariana Cardoso Chrispim, Postdoctoral Position
Susanne Durst, Senior Lecturer
Henrik Gadd, Senior Lecturer
Fawzi Halila, Professor
Anna Hansson, Senior Lecturer
Jeaneth Johansson, Professor
Niklas Karlsson, Senior Lecturer
Antonia Liess, Professor
Johan Lind, Lecturer
John Lindgren, Senior Lecturer
Alina Linden, PhD student
Ludvig Lindlöf, Senior Lecturer
Marie Mattsson, Professor
Martin Melin, Senior Lecturer
Erik Möllerström, Senior Lecturer
Svitlana Nardus, Lecturer
Heidi Norrström, Senior Lecturer
Senad Osmanovic, PhD student
Fredric Ottermo, Docent
Urban Persson, Professor
Olga Rauhut Kompaniets, Senior Lecturer
Sabina Rebeggiani, Senior Lecturer
Luis Sánchez Garcia, PhD student
Johanna Sjöstedt, Docent
Mohsen Soleimani Mohseni, Senior Lecturer
Per-Ola Ulvenblad, Senior Lecturer
Pia Ulvenblad, Docent
Jackson Wanjiku, PhD student
Stefan Weisner, Senior Professor
Sven Werner, Senior Professor
Adel Younis, Senior Lecturer
Ghazal Zalkat, PhD student
Zara Zamani, PhD student
Robert Ågren, Lecturer
School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
Emilia Aldrin, Docent
Danielle Cudmore, Senior Lecturer
Linnea Gustafsson, Professor
School of Information Technology
Ahmad Ghazawneh, Senior Lecturer
Oscar Amador Molina, Associate Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Welfare
Ongoing projects
Accelerating sustainable agrobiomass for biogas
Empowering Halland: A Strategic Approach to Business Renewal
Evaluation of the Ranagård low-temperature district heating network
FORMILL – new revolutionary biomaterial from waste material with unique scale-up process
Interorganizational agility – mutual adjustment in digital ecosystems (Galago)
Optimizing future wetlands for the provision of multiple ecosystem services
SAFE – safe and sustainable processes in Swedish agriculture
Seventy possibilities for future district heating
Solar farming in our agricultural landscape
Soldriven fjärrvärme med groplager för svenska förhållanden
SpeedUpArena Halland – towards sustainable materials and circular business models
Startup Jungle – live strategy modeling for accelerated development of startups in incubation
Surfaces for sustainable engineered wood products – WOODsurf
VIVACE – Visibility of Value Networks for Circularity and Eco-efficiency