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There are great hopes that artificial intelligence (AI) will contribute to dealing with many of the challenges that healthcare in Sweden is dealing with today. The project has the potential to promote the understanding of how to establish processes for the introduction of AI applications in healthcare as well as contribute valuable information on how such processes can build on the skills and roles of the healthcare staff.

The healthcare system in Sweden is currently dealing with many challenges in order to be able to distribute resources where they are most useful, to ensure quality in the care provided and to change to a more digitised care that takes place in collaboration between healthcare staff and patients.

There are high hopes that AI will help address many of these challenges. However, research has shown that there are many obstacles to succeed in introducing and using AI solutions in healthcare. The new technology competes in a sense with the health care staff's monopoly on knowledge regarding health, prevention and treatment of diseases that the staff has obtained through long academic education, training and practical experience.

Introduction of AI solutions in healthcare is believed to require an interaction between the knowledge that can be obtained through AI and the knowledge and experience that the healthcare staff possesses. This project is based on three AI solutions that will be implemented and put into use during 2023–2024 in Region Halland. The project has the potential to promote the understanding of how to establish processes for the introduction of AI applications in healthcare as well as contribute valuable information on how such processes can build on the skills and roles of the healthcare staff.


About the project

Project period

January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026



Project manager

Per Nilsen, Professor in Implementation Research

Other participating researchers

Collaboration partners

Region Halland



