Technology Area Smart Electronic Systems
Technology Area Smart Electronic Systems focus on the challenges and opportunities that the ongoing digitisation of society entails. Embedded electronics are integrated in everything from smart everyday gadgets to robots and cars. Smart electronics are developing at a rapid pace and the possibilities of new innovations are endless.
Research focus
Connected technology is everywhere. Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) have changed our world. New innovations in health, energy, future homes and cities, autonomous vehicles and everyday technology all require a smart core of electronics. This massive integration of electronics everywhere introduces challenges like integration, miniaturisation, building practice, new sensors, low energy consumption, electromagnetic interference (EMI), architectures for high performance computing, resource efficient communication and affordable components.
Research projects within Smart Electronic Systems
Within the Technology Area Smart Electronic Systems we have ongoing research on antenna design, electromagnetic interference and compatibility, nanoelectronics and photonics, radar and radio systems, high performance computing architectures, and building practice for components and systems.
New innovations in health, energy, future homes and cities, autonomous vehicles and everyday technology all require a smart core of electronics.

We have ongoing research on for example antenna design, electromagnetic interference and compatibility and nanoelectronics.
What is Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) can be everyday items such as household appliances, clothes and accessories, but also machines, vehicles and buildings, with built-in electronics and internet connection, which allows them to be controlled or exchanged data over the Internet.
The "things" can be controlled and share information from other locations, which facilitates integration with computer systems and can result in higher efficiency and accuracy. When the IoT contains sensors, it becomes an example of something called cyber physical systems, such as intelligent houses, smart electricity grids and intelligent transport systems.
Technology Area Smart Electronic Systems is closely linked to the collaboration arenas Electronics Centre in Halmstad and Rydberg Laboratory:
The Technology Area Smart Electronic Systems is responsible for carrying through and developing courses within electronics, radio communication, electromagnetic computation and physics. Education of doctoral students is done within the doctoral education in information technology:
The Technology Area Smart Electronic Systems is, together with Technology Area Systems of Cyber Physical Systems, organised under department CERES at the School of Information Technology.