Library support for distance students
As a student at Halmstad University, you can access the library's e‑journals, databases and e‑books no matter where you are. If you are a distance student and live outside Halmstad municipality, we can deliver books to your home address.
Home delivery
If you are enrolled as a distance student and live in Sweden, aside from Halmstad municipality, you can ask to get books sent to your home address. The library pays postage for sending and the borrower pays return postage. You are responsible for returning material to the library. To take advantage of this opportunity you need a special library account.
How to order
Find the book in the library catalogue. As long as you are logged in as a distance student, you will get the option to request the book regardless if it is available or out on loan.
Please fill in a pickup date, after which the book is no longer needed, so we don't send the book unnecessarily. At My Requests you can view your reservations and delete them if you no longer need them.
You can also order a loan from Halmstad University library via your local library. We do not lend our own course literature as interlibrary loans.
The majority of our subscriptions are available online. You can order articles from journals that we don't subscribe to, or from journals that are available at the library only in print. The library will provide you with a printed copy at a cost of SEK 40.
If you want help using the library's services from home, you can reach us by phone or e-mail.