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About FIH

The School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (FIH) has about 120 coworkers divided between four departments.

The management, administration as well as teachers and researchers have offices in the S building on the campus area. Most of the teaching is also conducted in that building, but sometimes lectures may also be held in other buildings on campus, as well as in the form of web-based distance teaching.

The School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability trains the economists, engineers, environmental scientists and biologists of the future.


The School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (FIH) is organised into four departments that conduct research and education as well as innovation and collaborative activities within their respective subjects.

  • The Department of Business Studies
  • The Department of Construction and Energy Engineering
  • The Department of Engineering and Innovation
  • The Department of Environmental and Biosciences

Departments at the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability


Management and administration

Department heads

Education programme directors

The Department of Business Studies

The Department of Construction and Energy Engineering

The Department of Engineering and Innovation

The Department of Environmental and Biosciences

Advisory board


Faculty representatives 2022–2025

Student representatives

  • Emma Rasmusson
  • Karl Thore-Svensson
  • Josephine Ålenius

For questions regarding documents and meeting minutes, contact the secretary of the advisory board: Anna Thornberg

Teachers and other staff members

All staff members at the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability

Meet our staff



