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Four students in Informatics received scholarships for their bachelor’s theses

On Friday, June 3, the University’s final year students celebrated their graduation. During the day, four students in Informatics received scholarships of SEK 20,000 for the best bachelor’s thesis and for the thesis that is considered to contribute with new knowledge within the enterprise resource planning system (ERP) area.

After three years of study, it was time for the Informatic students to graduate. Before the University’s big graduation ceremony, students within the field of Informatics gathered to celebrate and sum up the years they’ve had together. Four students received a little extra attention through a scholarship distribution.

“The purpose of co-design workshops is that all the people who experience stigma should not be excluded from research”.

Felicia Oredsson and Sofia Strand, final year students

Get more people to contribute with experiences and perspectives

This year, the scholarship for best bachelor thesis in Informatics went to Felicia Oredsson and Sofia Strand, from the programme Digital Design and Innovation, for their thesis “Co-design workshops on stigmatised subjects – Design proposals to avoid further stigma”. The scholarship of SEK 10,000 was awarded by the company PS Provider.

“It feels great and big to have received this scholarship! Our thesis is about how to conduct co-design workshops on stigmatised topics. The subject we chose was menstruation”, says Felicia Oredsson and Sofia Strand.

They have studied how to make workshops more inclusive, in which more people can contribute with their experiences and perspectives.

Two students hold diplomas and flowers and looks into the camera.

Felicia Oredsson and Sofia Strand received a scholarship for their thesis “Co-design workshops on stigmatised subjects – Design proposals to avoid further stigma”.

“The purpose of co-design workshops is that all the people who experience stigma should not be excluded from research. Instead, they should be included and involved in the design of the products and services that affect them”, the students say and continue:

“It is important that everyone who is affected and involved can participate and contribute. To make this possible, we have concluded that a comfortable workshop environment is important, and we’ve also identified what creates a comfortable environment. It can be, for example, the structure, how to behave and not using stigmatising words.”

Motivation for best bachelor’s thesis in Informatics 2022

This year, the award for best bachelor thesis in Informatics goes to a thesis that deals with a clear and important problem in today’s technology development. The thesis is clearly problematised, and its collected previous research and empirical study form a good basis for an insightful discussion and own clear conclusions. The study’s approach takes into account and shows an understanding of the sensitive context in which it is carried out to lead to insights on how co-design workshops can be carried out to not create further stigmatisation of the participants.

Facilitates virtual collaboration

The second scholarship was awarded by the company Jeeves and is given to the bachelor thesis within the Enterprise Systems Programme that is considered to contribute with new knowledge in the ERP area. This year, the students Carl Johan Lippe Nilsson and Rasmus Eriksson received SEK 10,000 for their thesis “Metaverse and its significance for virtual collaboration in organisations – A qualitative study of Metaverse and its potential and challenges for virtual collaboration in organisations”.

“It is very fun to get this scholarship”, said Carl Johan and Rasmus.

Metaverse is an area with a lot of development going on and can be described as a kind of three-dimensional virtual reality where you can interact with others.

Two students hold flowers and diplomas and looks into the camera.

Carl Johan Lippe Nilsson and Rasmus Eriksson received a scholarship for their thesis “Metaverse and its significance for virtual collaboration in organisations – A qualitative study of Metaverse and its potential and challenges for virtual collaboration in organisations”.

“Our thesis is about metaverse and its significance, opportunities and challenges for virtual collaboration. It’s about virtual communication and how companies and organisations can use metaverse to improve their communication online”, the scholarship recipients say and continue:

“The biggest problem today is that metaverse is not sufficiently developed and has physical challenges that make it not fully applicable yet – but the potential is there. We also have seen how in the field of sustainability it can be very useful, both for organisations and private actors, by being able to travel to other countries in a virtual world. In this way, you can, for example, reduce the number of flights.”

Motivation for the 2022 Jeeves Scholarship

To describe, in an accessible and informative way, today’s phenomena around virtual working methods, its background in different techniques and connection to Metaverse.

By most people today, Metaverse is probably perceived as science fiction or games. With the thesis’ context and connection to virtual teams, it becomes clear that Metaverse can enrich virtual working methods and become a natural extension of how we work today.

For several years, and with the pandemic as a catalyst, Jeeves has successfully made a large part of its customer deliveries virtually. Up to 60 % of them, including new implementations, are done virtually today and from what we can see it is a way of working that is here to stay. The thesis provides a good insight into how it may develop in the future. The only remaining question will be when, not if, we from Jeeves meet you in a Metaverse.

Text: Anna-Frida Agardson
Picture: Ida Fridvall


