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Cisco Academy

Cyber security is an increasingly important topic, not least for those studying IT. Halmstad University conducts both education and research in the field, and has been entrusted with providing cyber security courses for other universities.

Cisco Instructor Training Center

One of the leading actors within cyber security courses is the Cisco Networking Academy. It is a collaboration between universities all over the world and the company Cisco Systems, which provides products and services in network and data communication.

Halmstad University is a so-called Cisco Academy and a Cisco Instructor Training Center. That means that we have the right to educate both instructors and students within the various courses provided by the Cisco Networking Academy.

Cisco Academies connected to Halmstad University:

  • European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG)
  • Blekinge Institute of Technology
  • Kattegattgymnasiet, Halmstad
  • Elof Lindälvs gymnasium, Kungsbacka
  • NTI Gymnasiet, Lund
  • NFU, Svedala
  • Teknikum, Växjö
  • Norwegian Police University College
  • Kristianstad University
  • Pauliskolan, Malmö
Two women stand in front of a server rack and show cords and computers. Photo.

Malin Bornhager, responsible for the University's Bachelor's Programme in IT Forensics and Information Security, and Olga Torstensson, responsible for Halmstad University's Master's Programme in Network Forensics.

”Cyber attacks and other IT related crime are a real threat today. It is extremely important that we, who educate future employees within IT security, work together to be able to stay ahead of the criminals.”

Olga Torstensson, responsible for the University's Master's Programme in Network Forensics



