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Fredric Ottermo awarded the University’s Teaching and Learning Prize 2023

Fredric Ottermo, Senior Lecturer and Docent in Energy Engineering, receives this year’s Teaching and Learning Prize. He is an appreciated colleague and teacher who, with his pedagogical approach, contributes to strengthening both individuals and education.

“The teachers at the University do an outstanding job and it is probably only margins that make me the receiver of this year's Teaching and Learning Prize. It may be because of my humble way to treat the students, and because I don’t shy away from walking the extra mile to find ways to increase the students’ understanding.”

Fredric Ottermo, Senior Lecturer and Docent in Energy Engineering

 A man with glasses looks into the camera and stands leaning against a glass railing.

Fredric Ottermo is Senior Lecturer and Docent in Energy Engineering at the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability.

Different needs require different solutions

“To receive the award feels great, it’s a great honor!” says Frederic Ottermo.

All students are different and have different needs, many factors affect a learning situation. Fredric Ottermo therefore wants to meet his students “where they are”. He highlights humility as an important quality to be able to understand and motivate his students.

“A good teacher, I think, should have the ability to humbly familiarise themselves with the student's point of view and degree of understanding. Only then can you hit the mark in teaching,” says Fredric Ottermo and continues:

“Varying levels of prior knowledge is sometimes a challenge for the students, perhaps especially in our international master's programme that is about renewable energy. In thiose cases, it’s about daring to repeat even simple things – even if a number of people already carry that knowledge. I always try to take my time when the students have extra questions or want to discuss. I’m happy to explain one more time.”

Motivates through relevance and structure

Fredric Ottermo thinks that teaching is a lot of fun, especially in the subject of renewable energy. He describes the interaction between him as a teacher and his students as very rewarding and he does his utmost to keep the students motivated. Breaking down complex topics to make them easier to understand is one way to promote student learning.

“Witnessing a student’s understanding click into place thanks to my explanations is always inspiring,” says Fredric Ottermo and continues:

“I do different things, such as being clear about why the subject itself is crucial for the planet’s future climate, but also through simple things such as having a clear structure in the courses and providing incentives that encourage them start with the material early on.”

In addition to teaching, Fredric Ottermo conducts research in energy technology and supervises a doctoral student. He is also writing a textbook on wind power together with four other authors – a collaboration between Halmstad University and another university.

Committed and enthusiastic

In the motivation for the award, Fredric Ottermo is described as a role model in education and as a committed and enthusiastic person. He also takes this opportunity to praise his colleagues for their efforts.

“The teachers at the University do an outstanding job and it is probably only margins that make me the receiver of this year's Teaching and Learning Prize. It may be because of my humble way to treat the students, and because I don’t shy away from walking the extra mile to find ways to increase the students’ understanding.”

Contributes to the development of teaching and learning in higher education

Both students and teachers can nominate candidates for the Teaching and Learning Prize, and this year a total of 144 nominations have been submitted, of which 140 are from students. As many as 55 different teachers from all schools were nominated.

“I am very happy that we each year recognise a successful teacher who, with special knowledge and enthusiasm, has had a major impact on our students’ learning and study results, and who also contributes to the development of pedagogy. With this prize, the University contributes to the national development of applied teaching and learning in higher education,” says Malin Hallén, Deputy Vice-Chancellor with specific responsibility for education, quality and sustainability.

The Centre for Educational Development (HPC) works to promote teachers’ pedagogical and didactic competence, and is responsible for processing the Teaching and Learning Prize on behalf of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

“It is always rewarding to work with the Teaching and Learning Prize based on the nominations that have been received. To read what their students write about the nominees and at the same time get to see all the skilled and appreciated teachers we have here at the University. The Teaching and Learning Prize can inspire and motivate other teachers to strive to develop their profession. It also sends an important signal from the University that we value and recognise our talented teachers and their importance for future leaders and citizens,” says Jeanette Sjöberg, Head of HPC.

Text: Anna-Frida Agardson
Translation: Christa Amnell
Picture: Anna-Frida Agardson


Fredric Ottermo, Senior Lecturer in Energy Engineering, working at the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability, is an appreciated and popular teacher and colleague with very good and deep pedagogical skills, who promotes both individuals – both students and colleagues – as well as the content and structure of the education. He spreads positivity, enthusiasm, and goodness in his teaching and among the faculty. He is always there for you, and he arouses curiosity, stimulates deeper learning, and creates space for critical reflection by boiling down complex things to simple reasoning. Fredric Ottermo involves the students in an exemplary way in the content and structure of the education. He designs the teaching so that the needs of different students are met. As a colleague, he is supportive and encouraging, and gets involved by developing teaching materials and actively participating in quality work. Fredric Ottermo is a role model who promotes the quality of education, student learning and the development of colleagues by constantly striving for in-depth knowledge. It is with joy and pride that we hand over the University's Teaching and Learning Prize for 2023 to Fredric Ottermo.

The Teaching and Learning Prize

Halmstad University has awarded the Teaching and Learning Prize since 2007. The award goes to a teacher who is particularly successful in developing students' learning. The winner receives a specially designed glass apple, a diploma and the opportunity to participate in a European conference on teaching and learning in higher education.

Staff and students are invited to nominate one or more candidates. A working group consisting of accomplished/excellent teaching staff members is assigned with the task of selecting a winner. The group also includes one external member who is informed about teaching and learning in higher education. The winner is appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for education, quality and sustainability.



