Publikationer från M4HP
Nedan visas de senaste publikationerna som har registrerats i DiVA (Högskolans digitala vetenskapliga arkiv) kopplat till forskningsprogrammet, bland annat bokkapitel, artiklar i tidskrift och konferensbidrag.
- Artikel, recension
Pastorek Gripson, Märtha (2024). Angelägen lärobok som främjar yttrandefrihet, skapande och kroppslig kunskapsbildning. sport science forum.
Pastorek Gripson, Märtha (2024). Kunst, krop og terapi – en bok som ingjuter hopp om en meningsfull och hållbar framtid. sport science forum.
Jonasson, Kalle (2024). Never an easy read, but a proficient point of departure to explore the richness of western philosophy. sport science forum.
Jonasson, Kalle (2024). Convincing collection, furthering the field of sociological esports studies. sport science forum.
- Artikel, forskningsöversikt
H. Fosstveit, Sindre; Lohne-Seiler, Hilde; Feron, Jack; Lucas, Samuel J. E.; Ivarsson, Andreas; Berntsen, Sveinung (2024). The intensity paradox : A systematic review and meta-analysis of its impact on the cardiorespiratory fitness of older adults. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34 (2).
Bengtsson, Dennis; Stenling, Andreas; Nygren, Jens M.; Ntoumanis, Nikos; Ivarsson, Andreas (2024). The effects of interpersonal development programmes with sport coaches and parents on youth athlete outcomes : A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport And Exercise, 70.
- Artikel i tidskrift
Hensing, Gunnel; Dencker, Anna; Carlsson, Ing-Marie; Hansson, Malin (2025). Work and health-related determinants of midwives' intention to leave : Nationwide cross-sectional and prospective cohort studies in sweden. Midwifery, 142, pp. 1 - 7. (In press)
Hultsjö, Sally; Jormfeldt, Henrika; Allstrin, Ester; Karlsson, Andreas (2025). Outpatient Mental Health Nurses' Experiences of Suicide Follow-Up Interventions : A Qualitative Interview Study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
Mattsson, Torun; Winther, Helle; Pastorek Gripson, Märtha (2024). Embodiment and aesthetics in teaching and examinations. Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 5 (1).
Ramos, Andres; Svensson, Joar; Stambulova, Natalia (2024). Navigating the Unknown : A narrative exploration of e-sport career pathways. Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6, pp. 33 - 41.
Storm, Louise; Svendsen, Annemarie; Stambulova, Natalia; Barker, Dean; Ronkainen, Noora; Bjørndal, Christian Thue; Larsen, Signe Højbjerre; Book Jr., Robert; Kuettle, Andreas; Larsen, Carsten; Henriksen, Kristoffer (2024). Consensus statement on cultural leadership in physical education and youth sport : Nordic perspectives. Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6, pp. 1 - 9.
Linnér, Lukas; Stambulova, Natalia; Ivarsson, Andreas; Franck, Alina; Lindahl, Kent (2024). In pursuit of dual career excellence : factors associated to satisfaction of Swedish University student-athletes. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Bengtsson, Dennis; Stenling, Andreas; Nygren, Jens M.; Ntoumanis, Nikos; Ivarsson, Andreas (2024). A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial to Increase Youth Ice Hockey Coaches’ Beliefs and Use of Need-Supportive Styles. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 13 (4), pp. 355 - 371.
Henriksen, Kristoffer; Book Jr, Rob; Kamuk Storm, Louise; Linnér, Lukas; Sæther, Stig Arve; Lundkvist, Erik; Kuettel, Andreas; Ryom, Knud; Larsen, Carsten Hvid; Feddersen, Niels; Erikstad, Martin (2024). Editorial: SJSEP Welcomes Conceptual Papers. Scandinavian journal of sport and exercise psychology, 6, pp. 42 - 45.
Lind, Martin I.; Mautz, Brian S.; Carlsson, Hanne; Hinas, Andrea; Gudmunds, Erik; Maklakov, Alexei A. (2024). Sex‐specific growth and lifespan effects of germline removal in the dioecious nematode Caenorhabditis remanei. Aging Cell, 23 (11), pp. 1 - 8.
Ryman Augustsson, Sofia; Olsson, M. Charlotte; Haglund, Emma (2024). Changes in Physical Fitness in Youth Padel Players during One Season : A Cohort Study. Sports, 12 (7).
Bencker, Andreas; Larsson, Gerry; Brandebo, Maria Fors; Johnson, Urban; Ivarsson, Andreas (2024). High-level military and sport leaders' everyday challenges and psychological skills : A cross-contextual repeated measures study. Military Psychology.
Book, Robert T.; Svensson, Joar; Stambulova, Natalia (2024). Narrative research in sport and exercise science in the early 21 st century : a state-of-the-art critical review. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 16 (6), pp. 567 - 597.
Mattsson, Torun; Pastorek Gripson, Märtha (2024). 'I did not know that the pupils loved dancing … until the projector came' : constructions of dance as learning activity in school-age educare. Research in Dance Education.
Schinke, Robert J.; Henriksen, Kristoffer; Moore, Zella E.; Stambulova, Natalia; Bartley, Jessica; Cosh, Suzanne; Wagstaff, Christopher R.D.; Quartirolli, Alessandro; Wylleman, Paul; Maher, Charles A.; Zhang, Liwei; Si, Gangyan; Kentta, Goran; Zhang, Chun Qing; Li, Yufeng; Kuettel, Andreas; Brandao, Regina; Wong, Rebecca (2024). International society of sport psychology position stand : elite athlete mental health revisited. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 22 (4), pp. 775 - 801.
Tranaeus, Ulrika; Gledhill, Adam; Johnson, Urban; Podlog, Leslie; Wadey, Ross; Wiese Bjornstal, Diane; Ivarsson, Andreas (2024). 50 Years of Research on the Psychology of Sport Injury : A Consensus Statement. Sports Medicine, 54, pp. 1733 - 1748.
Nymberg, Peter; Bandel, Ida; Borgström Bolmsjö, Beata; Wolff, Moa; Calling, Susanna; Linqvist Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin; Milos Nymberg, Veronica (2024). How do patients experience and use home blood pressure monitoring? A qualitative analysis with UTAUT 2. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 42 (4), pp. 593 - 601.
Carlsson, Ing-Marie; Bräutigam Ewe, Marie; Nymberg, Peter; Jormfeldt, Henrika (2024). Building up bit by bit, parent's experiences of equine-assisted intervention among children and adolescents with mental illness : a grounded theory study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 19 (1).
Jonsson, Linus; Hertting, Krister; Lindgren, Eva-Carin; Johnson, Urban (2024). “A roller coaster, both emotionally and work-wise…” : teachers in Swedish certified sport-oriented upper secondary schools experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal for Sport and Society.
Murphy, Colm P.; Runswick, Oliver R.; Gredin, Viktor; Broadbent, David P. (2024). The effect of task load, information reliability and interdependency on anticipation performance. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9 (1).
Jonasson, Kalle; Eriksson, Jonnie (2024). Judging athletic movement in moving images : a critique of agonic reason in representations of alpine sport, seen through the Paltrow v. Sanderson ski crash trial. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.
Martin, Simon; Edouard, Pascal; Sanchez, Xavier; Ivarsson, Andreas (2024). Overuse injury and affects in competitive sport : A prospective longitudinal study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34 (5).
Byrkjedal, Per Thomas; Bjørnsen, Thomas; Luteberget, Live Steinnes; Ivarsson, Andreas; Spencer, Matt (2024). Assessing the individual relationships between physical test improvements and external load match parameters in male professional football players-a brief report. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6.
Piussi, Ramana; Nilsson, Elin; Karlsson, Hannah; Hägglund, Martin; Ivarsson, Andreas; Samuelsson, Kristian; Holmberg, Hans Christer; Senorski, Eric Hamrin (2024). Wrestling with a ghost : facing an opponent I can neither see nor clinch – the experience of professional wrestlers who have suffered an ACL injury. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 10 (1), pp. 1 - 11.
Törnblom, Margareta; Bremander, Ann; Aili, Katarina; Andersson, Maria L.E.; Nilsdotter, Anna; Haglund, Emma (2024). Development of radiographic knee osteoarthritis and the associations to radiographic changes and baseline variables in individuals with knee pain : a 2-year longitudinal study. BMJ Open, 14 (3).
Western, Benedikte; Ivarsson, Andreas; Vistad, Ingvild; Demmelmaier, Ingrid; Aaronson, Neil K.; Radcliffe, Gillian; van Beurden, Marc; Bohus, Martin; Courneya, Kerry S.; Daley, Amanda J.; Galvão, Daniel A.; Garrod, Rachel; Goedendorp, Martine M.; Griffith, Kathleen A.; van Harten, Wim H.; Hayes, Sandi C.; Herrero-Roman, Fernando; Hiensch, Anouk E.; Irwin, Melinda L.; James, Erica; Kenkhuis, Marlou Floor; Kersten, Marie José; Knoop, Hans; Lucia, Alejandro; May, Anne M.; McConnachie, Alex; van Mechelen, Willem; Mutrie, Nanette; Newton, Robert U.; Nollet, Frans; Oldenburg, Hester S.; Plotnikoff, Ron; Schmidt, Martina E.; Schmitz, Katie H.; Schulz, Karl Heinz; Short, Camille E.; Sonke, Gabe S.; Steindorf, Karen; Stuiver, Martijn M.; Taaffe, Dennis R.; Thorsen, Lene; Velthuis, Miranda J.; Wenzel, Jennifer; Winters-Stone, Kerri M.; Wiskemann, Joachim; Berntsen, Sveinung; Buffart, Laurien M. (2024). Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors—An individual patient data meta-analysis from the POLARIS study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34 (2), pp. 1 - 10.
Simonsson, Rebecca; Magnusson, Cajsa; Piussi, Ramana; Kaarre, Janina; Thomeé, Roland; Ivarsson, Andreas; Samuelsson, Kristian; Hamrin Senorski, Eric (2024). To achieve the unachievable—Patients' experiences of opting for delayed anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction after trying rehabilitation alone as primary treatment : A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34 (2), pp. 1 - 14.
Mortazavi, Rebecca; Grudin, Rebecca; Jarbin, Håkan; Larsson, Ingrid (2024). Empowered and engaged : Group exercise for adolescent depression – perspectives from adolescents, parents and healthcare professionals. SAGE Open Medicine, 12.
Nymberg, Peter; Milos Nymberg, Veronica; Calling, Susanna; Engström, Gunnar; Svensson, Peter; Elf, Johan; Zöller, Bengt (2024). Association between changed self-rated health and the risk of venous thromboembolism in Malmö Preventive Program : a cohort study. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 57 (3), pp. 497 - 502.
- Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
Stambulova, Natalia; Henriksen, Kristoffer (2024). The COVID-19 pandemic crisis-transition and its influence on sport. Psychology of crises in sport : Causes, consequences and solutions. Springer Publishing Company, Cham. Pp. 215 - 228.
Lindqvist, Anna; Pastorek Gripson, Märtha (2024). Dans i kulturskolan - utmaningar och möjligheter. Pedagogik för kulturskolan. Studentlitteratur AB, Lund. Pp. 103 - 120.
Jonasson, Kalle; Eriksson, Jonnie (2024). Sovereign Surfing in the Society of Control : The Parkour Chase in Casino Royale as a Staging of Social Change. Rethinking Sport and Social Issues. MDPI, Basel. Pp. 1 - 17.
- Konferensbidrag
Stambulova, Natalia; David Samuel, Roy; Torregrossa, Miquel; Chroni, Stiliani; Kaiseler, Mariana; Quartirolli, Alessandro; Cecić Erpič, Saša; Nahum, Ohad; Ludwig, Elizabeth; Storm, Louise (2024). Working with Sport Clients in Transitions. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Nikolaisen Pettersen, Jannicke; Chroni, Stiliani; Stambulova, Natalia (2024). Coaches’ View of Factors Involved in the Children-to-Youth Sport Transition in Norway. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Stambulova, Natalia; Henriksen, Kristoffer (2024). The COVID-19 pandemic crisis-transition and its influence on sport. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Kamuk Storm, Louise; Dideriksen, Sofie; Stambulova, Natalia; Henriksen, Kristoffer (2024). The youth sport coach as a cultural leader. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Apitzsch, Erwin; Seiler, Roland; Serpa, Sidonio; Cei, Alberto; Munzert, Jörn; Stambulova, Natalia (2024). Mutual Influences and Co-operation in Sport Psychology - A Historical Perspective. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Stambulova, Natalia (2024). Role of FEPSAC and the European Commission in Developing Dual Career Discourse in Europe. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Stambulova, Natalia; Ramis, Yago; Torregrossa, Miquel; Cecić Erpič, Saša; Vitali, Francesca; De Brandt, Koen; Khomutova, Anastasiya (2024). Athletes’ Dual Careers in the European Context. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Linnér, Lukas; Stambulova, Natalia; Eriksson, Pernilla; Wredenberg, Agnes; Augustsson, Christian; Lindahl, Kent (2024). Developing the System of Dual Career Support for University Student-Athletes. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Linnér, Lukas (2024). Practicing What You Preach. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Linnér, Lukas; Stambulova, Natalia (2024). Ecology in Policy. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
Linnér, Lukas; Sanchez, Xavier; Saarinen, Milla; Kiens, Kristel; Borrueco, Marta (2024). Performing under new pressure. FEPSAC 17th Congress, Performance Under Pressure In Sports, Military/Police, Performing Arts, Medicine, Business And Daily Life, Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19 July, 2024.
- Rapport
Hertting, Krister; Wagnsson, Stefan (2024). Smakar det så kostar det : Om föräldrars kostnader för barnens idrott. 86 pp. (Riksidrottsförbundets FoU-serie ; 2024:5).
Lerner, Henrik., Jormfeldt, Henrika., Silfverberg, Gunilla. (2024) (edt.). Häst och lärande – ett område under utveckling : Bidrag från Fjärde Nordiska Forskningsseminariet om Hästunderstödda Insatser 16-17 september 2022. Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Stockholm. 82 pp. (Marie Cederschiöld högskola arbetsrapportserie ; 113).