Publikationer FIH
De senaste 30 publikationerna från FIH som är registrerade i DiVA, Högskolans Digitala vetenskapliga arkiv.
- Artikel, forskningsöversikt
Rahi, ABM Fazle; Johansson, Jeaneth; Blomkvist, Marita; Hartwig, Fredrik (2024). Corporate sustainability and financial performance : A hybrid literature review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31 (2), pp. 801 - 815.
- Artikel i tidskrift
Solberg Søilen, Klaus (2024). A Review of the Knowledge Worker as Prompt Engineer : How Good is AI at Societal Analysis and Future Predictions?. Foresight and STI Governance, 18 (2), pp. 6 - 20.
Varga, Tibor V.; Andersson, Åsa; Lauruschkus, Katarina; Tornberg, Åsa B. (2024). Acute and Long-Term Changes in Blood-Borne Biomarkers in Response to Dynamic Standing in Nonambulant Children With Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Exercise Science, 36 (1), pp. 15 - 22.
Åhlén, David; Jarsjö, Jerker; Jonsell, Mats; Klatt, Björn K.; Schneider, Lea D.; Strand, John; Hambäck, Peter A. (2024). Arthropod diversity in constructed wetlands is affected strongly by shoreline properties but only weakly by grazing. Journal of Biogeography.
Spirito, Giulia; Dénarié, Alice; Fattori, Fabrizio; Muliere, G.; Motta, M.; Persson, Urban (2024). Assessing district heating potential at large scale : Presentation and application of a spatially-detailed model to optimally match heat sources and demands. Applied Energy, 372.
Leu Agelii, Monica; Sareila, Outi; Lönnblom, Erik; Cheng, Lei; Forslind, Kristina; Hafström, Ingiäld; Andersson, Maria L.E.; Kastbom, Alf; Sjöwall, Christopher; Jacobsson, Lennart T. H.; Kihlberg, Jan; Holmdahl, Rikard; Gjertsson, Inger (2024). Autoantibodies to joint-related peptides as predictive markers in early rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology.
Andersson, Maria L.E.; Zimmerman, M.; Brogren, E.; Bergman, Stefan; Strindberg, L.; Fryk, E.; Jansson, P. A. (2024). Baseline levels of circulating galectin-1 associated with radiographic hand but not radiographic knee osteoarthritis at a two-year follow-up. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, 6 (2).
Lindehoff, Elin; Mattsson, Lina; Olofsson, Martin; Svensson, Fredrik; Farnelid, Hanna; Legrand, Catherine (2024). Biomass performance and stability of 5-year outdoor microalgal cultivation for CO2 removal from cement flue gas. Bioresource Technology Reports, 25, pp. 1 - 11.
Dehkordi, Rashid; Ahokangas, Petri; Evers, Natasha; Sorvisto, Mika (2024). Business model design for Electric Commercial Vehicles (ECVs) : An ecosystemic perspective. Energy Policy, 186, pp. 1 - 17.
Andersson, Svante; Aagerup, Ulf; Svensson, Lisa; Eriksson, Sanna (2024). Challenges and opportunities in the digitalization of the B2B customer journey. Journal of business & industrial marketing, 39 (13), pp. 160 - 174.
Winkler, Charlotta; Perez Vico, Eugenia; Widén, Kristian (2024). Challenges to business ecosystem alignment when implementing solar photovoltaic systems in the Swedish built environment. Building Research & Information, 52 (5), pp. 497 - 514.
Ryman Augustsson, Sofia; Olsson, M. Charlotte; Haglund, Emma (2024). Changes in Physical Fitness in Youth Padel Players during One Season : A Cohort Study. Sports, 12 (7).
Laber, Christien P.; Alegria Zufia, Javier; Legrand, Catherine; Lindehoff, Elin; Farnelid, Hanna (2024). Colony-forming and single-cell picocyanobacteria nitrogen acquisition strategies and carbon fixation in the brackish Baltic Sea. Limnology and Oceanography.
Amos, Gideon Jojo (2024). Corporate social and environmental reporting in the mining sector : seeking pragmatic and moral forms of legitimacy?. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 14 (3), pp. 548 - 584.
Jägerbrand, Annika; Brutemark, A. (2024). Correspondence : Addressing and mitigating the ecological effects of light pollution requires ecological perspectives. Lighting Research and Technology, 56 (1), pp. 102 - 104.
Perry, William Bernard; Cardoso Chrispim, Mariana; Barbosa, Mikaela Renata Funada; de Souza Lauretto, Marcelo; Razzolini, Maria Tereza Pepe; Nardocci, Adelaide Cassia; Jones, Owen; Jones, Davey L.; Weightman, Andrew; Sato, Maria Inês Zanoli; Montagner, Cassiana; Durance, Isabelle (2024). Cross-continental comparative experiences of wastewater surveillance and a vision for the 21st century. Science of the Total Environment, 919.
Pinnock, Susanna; Evers, Natasha; Hoholm, Thomas (2024). Customer search strategies of entrepreneurial telehealth firms – how effective is effectuation?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research.
Taecharungroj, Viriya; Rauhut Kompaniets, Olga (2024). Decoding Nordic cities : uncovering multi-level place experiences from tweets for effective city branding. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 20 (2), pp. 157 - 179.
Törnblom, Margareta; Bremander, Ann; Aili, Katarina; Andersson, Maria L.E.; Nilsdotter, Anna; Haglund, Emma (2024). Development of radiographic knee osteoarthritis and the associations to radiographic changes and baseline variables in individuals with knee pain : a 2-year longitudinal study. BMJ Open, 14 (3).
Pedregal-Montes, Angela; Jennings, Eleanor; Kothawala, Dolly; Jones, Kevin; Sjöstedt, Johanna; Langenheder, Silke; Marcé, Rafael; Farré, Maria José (2024). Disinfection by-product formation potential in response to variability in dissolved organic matter and nutrient inputs : Insights from a mesocosm study. Water Research, 258.
Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Kranzl, Lukas; Haas, Reinhard; Hummel, Marcus; Müller, Andreas; Sánchez-García, Luis; Persson, Urban (2024). District heating potential in the EU-27 : Evaluating the impacts of heat demand reduction and market share growth. Applied Energy, 353 (Part B).
Sundriyal, Vivek Kumar; Lévesque, Moren; Wennberg, Karl; Norgren, Axel (2024). Dynamics of founding team diversity and venture outcomes : A simulation approach. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
- Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
Dimkovski, Zlate; Rebeggiani, Sabina; Anderberg, Cecilia; Ohlsson, Robert; Rosén, Bengt Göran (2024). Automotive Applications—Cylinder Liners and Tool Steel Polishing for Injection Moulding of Plastic Parts. Characterisation of Areal Surface Texture. Springer Nature, Switzereland. Pp. 295 - 321.
Tell, Joakim; Esmaeilzadeh, Alireza (2024). Design-based learning reflections from within over the learning principles and outcomes from an applied sustainable development project. Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Operations Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham. Pp. 213 - 232.
- Konferensbidrag
Hansson, Anna; Karlsson, Niklas; Klugman, Sofia; Johansson, Jeaneth; Mattsson, Marie; Hjort, Anders; Grahn, Desirée; Andersson, Henrik (2024). Biogas production in the industrial symbiosis context – facilitating collaboration through digitalization. 5THCESUST2024: 5TH SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABILITY.
Sjöström, Jonas; Dryselius, Petra; Nygren, Jens M.; Nair, Monika; Soliman, Amira; Lundgren, Lina (2024). Design Principles for Machine Learning Based Clinical Decision Support Systems. 19th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2024), Trollhättan, Sweden, 3-5 June, 2024.
Galan, Nataliya; Gabrielsson, Jonas (2024). Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset of Business Students. 3E Entrepreneurship Education Conference 2024, Amsterdam, The netherlands, 14-17 Mya, 2024.
- Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning
Winkler, Charlotta; (2024). Client orchestration for the implementation of energy innovation in construction. Diss. (comprehensive summary). Halmstad : Halmstad University Press, 2024.
- Rapport
Gadd, Henrik; Atabaki, Mohammad Saeid; Gong, Mei; Möllerström, Erik; Norrström, Heidi; Ottermo, Fredric; Persson, Urban; Sánchez-García, Luis; Werner, Sven (2024). 70 New Possibilities for District Heating. Energiforsk AB, Stockholm. 219 pp.
Gadd, Henrik; Atabaki, Mohammad Saeid; Gong, Mei; Möllerström, Erik; Norrström, Heidi; Ottermo, Fredric; Persson, Urban; Sánchez-García, Luis; Werner, Sven (2024). 70 nya möjligheter för fjärrvärme. Energiforsk AB, Stockholm. 219 pp.