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Credit transfers (Doctoral Education)

In accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, a student who is attending a university within the country can transfer the credits of completed courses to another university.

Credit transfers cannot be carried out if there is a substantial difference between programmes. The course credits which you are planning to transfer should essentially correspond to the course that you are supposed to be credited for. Students are also allowed to have relevant knowledge obtained in a working environment taken into consideration.

Application and decision for credit transfer of educational components in doctoral education

Appealing a decision

You can appeal against a university’s decision regarding transferring course credits (in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance) to the Higher Education Appeals Board. The appeal must be in writing. In the written communication, you must specify which decision is being appealed (state the reference number). The appeal must be addressed to the Higher Education Appeals Board and sent to Halmstad University. The registrar at Halmstad University Box 823, 301 18 Halmstad, must have received your written communication no later than three weeks after you received the decision.



