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Committee for Doctoral Education (FUU)

The Committee for Doctoral Education (FUU) is a committee under the Research and Education Board (FUN) at Halmstad University.

FUN is responsible for education at all levels and for research at the University. The Committee for Doctoral Education is to monitor the University's doctoral education. FUU has nine members; the doctoral education's directors of studies, members from those Schools that offer doctoral education and doctoral student representatives. The vice chairman of the Research and Education Board is the chairman of the committee.

The committee makes its own decisions regarding meeting times, however it always has to have a meeting at least one week before FUN meets.

The Doctoral Education Committee

FUN has delegated decision-making responsibility to the Committee for Doctoral Education with regard to the following issues:

  • admission of the doctoral student to the doctoral education,
  • approval of the doctoral student's individual study plan,
  • appointing principal supervisor and second supervisor,
  • public defence of doctoral thesis, chairman during the public defence of doctoral thesis, the opponent and the examining committee,
  • licentiate seminar, the examiner of the seminar and the opponent,
  • approval of course syllabi at doctoral level.



