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Advice and support

There are different ways of ensuring that your rights as a doctoral student are provided for.

In your role as a doctoral student

  • Contact your director of studies if you have questions regarding the study environment, follow-up of studies, supervision etc. For contact details go to the chapter Director of studies (doctoral education).
  • Talk with your colleagues and other doctoral students. Questions that may be difficult for you to take up as an individual can be taken up as questions of principle by a group.
  • Contact the Student Union at Halmstad University. The union has an ombudsman for the students whom you can contact if you feel you have been unfairly treated or if the University is not following the regulations correctly. You can read more about this at the Student Union's website. You can contact the student ombudsman at

Halmstad Student Union External link.

In your role as an employed doctoral student

  • Contact your Head of Department or your Head of School if questions or problems arise with your employment as a doctoral student, or contact the School's contact person from the HR Department or your union.
  • Contact your work environment representative at your School if you are employed at the University and you have questions regarding the work environment, conflicts, harassment or victimisation at the workplace. They are there to help you out. You will find contact information for the work environment representatives on the staffnet Insidan.
Glass wall with the text Halmstad Studentkår, a reception is seen behind the glass. Photo.



